Hearing N.R

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A/N at the bottom

Second POV
To your luck, almost everyone was busy in the compound today. Your mum was busy rushing her paperwork after coming back from her mission last week and this week, it was Wanda and Sam's turn to head on a mission. Usually, Wanda would be kind enough to be your buddy and fill up your weekend other than your homework, teaching you how to bake and cook while your mum trains. Without them, things are normally boring.

But not this time. Both of them were oblivious to you still laying in bed even when the sun was hanging high up in the sky. You haven't moved from your bed since morning and made no attempts to get up.

After a successful mission, Wanda and Sam made it back to the compound. For once, it was actually a smooth-going mission with everything heading the way it intended to be with no hiccups. Happily, they walked back into the cool building with little to no blood to clean up. After shedding their suits and having a comfortable bath for their aching muscles, they went towards their respective interests wanting to relax before writing their mission reports. For Sam, it was heading straight to bed. For Wanda, it was reading a few chapters of her book she was reading before she got called for a mission.

Hearing her stomach grumble, she closed her book. "Time to make some snacks." She went to look for Natasha who has been cooped up in her office since morning, inviting her senior for a break.

"Yeah sure. Just give me a sec. I should find Y/N. I haven't seen or heard from her the entire day." Natasha said as she prepared to leave her table.

Knocking on your door, she tried calling for you but she didn't hear a response. "Y/N? It's already past 12 pm, you can't possibly still be in bed!" Natasha remarked. No movement was heard from the room and Nat opened the door and went in.

The room was dark, the curtain blocking most of the sunlight entering as it stayed in the same place it was the night before. "Baby?" Natasha called out as she saw the lump underneath the duvet. As she walked closer, she could see you were still sleeping. Not understanding how she produced a child like this, she shook her head and pulled back the curtain, bringing light to the room.

"Y/N, you won't be able to sleep tonight and I don't want to hear you complaining about it." She pulled the duvet off and her face instantly turned into worry. Your sweat was soaking into the bed sheet and your slumped form made no attempt to move even in the change in temperature.

"Baby!" Natasha panicked and tried waking you up. She felt how hot you were and retracted her hand before feeling your forehead. All the worrying thoughts clouded her mind especially with how long she left you alone for. "Baby, can you hear me?"

Your mother's voice sounded really far away even though she was speaking next to your ears. You tried so hard to reply to her but your muscles refused to move. Nat immediately carried you in her arms, bringing you down to the medbay while asking FRIDAY to inform Bruce of your arrival.

Hearing of Natasha's distress, Bruce stopped his other projects and went to medbay just as Natasha was setting you down on one of the spare beds. From the door, he could see how pale you were. In an instant, he went next to you and checked your vitals, hooking you up to the basic machine. "The first thing we need to do is to bring her temperature down, without the thermometer, I can tell it is dangerously high. If we don't bring it down quickly, I'm afraid it would pose some damage to her brain." Bruce informed Natasha as his hands were quickly moving. He called for more help starting hooking you to more fluids and one of them was even preparing a cold bath to bring your temperature down.

"Help bring her to the tub." Things were of such urgency that taking off your clothes was not in their minds. Bruce gave Natasha a towel to wipe your face and neck while they get other things ready.

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