It's the only thing left of her S.J

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Scarlett POV
"Hi Y/N!" I waved at her when I saw her coming out of her trailer. I was told she stayed overnight at her trailer because she had a late night shoot yesterday and was too tired to return to her hotel. It wasn't the safest idea but at least there was some security around and people needed an access card to enter the ground.

She gave me a small smile before entering the makeup trailer. "Was that Y/N?" Laura asked. I nodded my head. "She looks so tired."

"Yeah. I doubt she has much sleep since she ended so late."

Laura and I entered the makeup trailer and Y/N was there with her eyes closed, the makeup artist doing what she needed to do, spreading eyeliner over her eyes with her flinching.


At the end of today's shoot, everyone was tired. Apart from the emotional stress and repeated takes, everyone was ready to take a break for the rest of the day. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and before I could fully turn to see who it was. "Scarlett, did you see my necklace?" Y/N asked, panicking. She finished earlier than us, hence she was in her normal clothes and without her makeup. "Scarlett! Have you seen my necklace?" She repeated.

"No- no. I just got off the set."  She immediately ran off and I watched as she asked others the same question. It must be important to her if she is so worried about it.

I changed into my usual clothes and met Adam along the way. I decided to ask if he knew why Y/N was so worried about her lost necklace since Adam knew her since they were in school. He only told me that it wasn't his place to tell but the necklace meant a lot to her and is one of a kind.

I made sure to check everywhere I passed just in case by chance I came across her necklace.

And I did, under the steps of her trailer. She may have dropped since last night when she stayed overnight or it may have dropped when she exited in the morning. Y/N must have been too tired or hysteric to search here.

I picked it up and looked at it closely. I saw her wearing this ring around her neck all the time. I never thought more about it until now. It certainly looked like a ring I've never seen before. I knocked on her door and waited for a few seconds until she opened the door looking very distress.

Once she saw the necklace in hands, she took it immediately and clutched it close to her chest. "Thank you Scarlett! I cannot thank you enough. I thought I really lost it. It means so much that you found it for me." She gave me a tight hug before looking at her necklace again.

I took a look around her trailer and saw that it was a mess. She must have ransacked the place to find it. Moving a pillow aside, I sat on the couch and smiled at her, happy that she was able to get her necklace back and finally calm down. "Sorry about the place, I thought it grew legs and ran somewhere." She said as she tried to tidy the place to make it look a little less like some thief ran in here.

"No worries. I'll act the same way if I were you. Adam said it means a lot to you." She nodded her head as she clicked it around her neck.

"I had a girlfriend before I joined the show business. She was really cold towards me at first but due to proximity, we grew closer. The day I asked her to be my girlfriend, she died in a car crash. Drunk driving." She told her story as she played with the ring. "I took some of her ashes and made it into this ring. Didn't feel right wearing it without her, so I decided to wear it around my neck instead."

"I'm so sorry Y/N."

She shook her head. "Why are you saying sorry? It's not your fault."

"It mustn't have been easy, losing someone you love."

"It certainly wasn't. But I had to live for her." She nodded her head. "How can I repay you for this?"

"Oh you don't have to do that." I shook my head. "It was just a simple helping hand."

"Please, I insist. You've done something so important to me. I couldn't just let you go after saying, thank you. At least let me treat you to dinner."

"Fine. Tomorrow after our shoot?"

"I'll knock at your door."

Written on 23 Dec 2022
Posted on 21 Jan 2023

I originally wanted to incorporate it into a story but I don't know when I'll get to it so I guess I'll settle for this.

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