Not your intention/Hands N.R

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Inspired by the user on tumblr all-i-askofyou

Second POV
You had been waiting for Natasha to come back to bed ever since everyone went back to bed after having a movie night. And movie night usually lasts past midnight, meaning Natasha has been leaving you alone for hours. You were ranting to Wanda about how much you missed Natasha for the day that she had to shut up you with her powers.

With one last try, you decided to enter her office in hopes of getting her to bed with you. "Nat... It's late, you should be going to sleep..." You stood by her door and waited for her reply.

"Y/N! How many times do I have to tell you I'M BUSY!" Nat was frustrated that everyone came to disturb her and you were the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Well, I'm sorry it's almost past midnight and I haven't seen you or touched you the whole day." You slammed the door and stormed off to your shared room.

Natasha realised that she snapped at you when she saw you storm off. She didn't mean to stay in the office for that long but she caught wind of Dreykov's latest activity and was investigating it. Her secrecy was biting her ass, she thought Dreykov was dead when she and Clint went to Budapest. She hated not being able to tell you the consequences of her past but the thought of other women including you being captured by him and were in danger was terrorising her.

She felt bad for snapping at you. After taking a deep breath to calm herself, she went to clean up her desk before heading up to find you. She was hoping you'd be asleep so she wouldn't break down on you, everything was still fresh in her head.

She sighed in relief when she saw you sleeping facing her side of the bed. You were safe in the bed and not captured and away from her. With that guilt of snapping at you still with her, she got into bed with you and went to sleep.

"Stand up and finish your training, Natalia." Madam B forcefully pulled her up to complete her training. She got into a fighting stance and prepared for another round against her rival. Natasha grunts as she gets kicked to the side. Before she could make a move and stand back up again, her rival rushed forward and kicked her down once again.

Natasha was thrashing in bed, moving about and she managed to nudge you, causing you to wake up.

You looked at Natasha with a pained expression on her face. "Natasha." You said softly while shaking her. When there was no response, you repeated louder and shook her more vigorously.

Suddenly, she sat up but you could see she was not totally out of it yet. "Natasha?" You spoke carefully, not wanting to agitate her in her vulnerable spot.

The next moment, before you know it, Natasha was on top of you with her hands on your neck.

Perhaps in other circumstances you would like it, but not when your girlfriend is not in her right state of mind and not conscious of what she's doing.

"Natasha..." You choked out, desperate trying to bring her back. Your heart was beating out of your chest, afraid of how she would feel.

Right now, what she's seeing is her rival that she has to defeat or she would have to suffer through a torturous day.

Your nails were digging and scratching into her arms, trying to pull them away but she wasn't registering it.

"Nat..." You looked right into her eyes. You were losing consciousness as your lungs were depleted from oxygen.

Your hands were getting heavier and slumped back on bed as you passed out.

Natasha released her hand after noticing that the girl stopped struggling.

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Where stories live. Discover now