Who are you? N.R

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Your POV
I have no idea who Natasha Romanoff is, or what she is for that matter.

I was working at the bar as per usual on a Friday night when she entered. It was hard not to notice her with her red hair and the heads turned towards her. She looked around the bar as if looking for someone before sitting right in front of me. Of course, I served her like I did with every other customer. I still remembered her fist drink was scotch on the rocks.

Ever since then, she was like a fly I could never get rid of. And I hate to admit that because of that, she saved my clumsy ass more times than I can count.

Living on this side of the district and late night walk back to my house was never safe. I'm always on alert walking on the main street praying that nothing would happen. And I'm never the lucky one, there have been accounts where men would approach me and I did my best to continue walking forward while playing up with whatever they were trying to do. Sometimes that even means losing my pay for that day.

There was a time when it almost got too far. The guy was refusing to let me go and I'm sure I'm starting to get a bruise with the grip he has on my wrist. "You're not going anywhere without me." The guy whispered way too close for my liking.

"Actually, you're right. Because she's going with me." She appeared next to us with a smile on her face as if this whole scene didn't happen in front of her.

"I could extend my invitation to you too."

"No no, I don't share. So maybe you can pack up and leave. But it looks like you don't have anything." She took a step forward closer to him. "Leave!" She shouted in his face and he jumped before taking off.

After making sure he was not coming back she turned her attention to me. That's when I learnt of her name, Natasha Romanoff. After making sure I was fine, she insisted on walking me back home.

Everyday after that, she visits me at the bar and stays until I get off work. Through that we talked when the bar was quiet. I got to know her better and it seemed like she's some sort of a rich person who has too much time on her hands. Everyone seems to know her when we hang out outside of the bar.

"So tell me, why is a woman like you working at a bar? You seem like someone who wishes to work elsewhere." Natasha asked when she was walking me back one day.

"You would be right. I do want to work elsewhere, but I have no idea where. So I'm staying here until I get inspiration."

"Tell you what, why don't you come to my apartment tomorrow and I can give you some ideas. You can work for my company. I can give you a tour around the place." She looked at me with a cheeky smile but I only squinted my eyes. "I'm only trying to help."

"Fine, I take up your offer only because I have nothing else better to do." I pulled to a stop in front of my rental house.

"Great! See you tomorrow then. I'll text you the location, give me a bit of time to set things up."


I'm standing in front of a tall building. That's when I realised I made a mistake, I forgot to check who she was. I procrastinated and it slipped my mind. I mean, what was I expecting? A small to medium company? Of course she was going to own a nightclub. I haven't even moved a step and there was someone welcoming me in.

"Ahh Y/N. Welcome. What did you think about this place when you walked in?"

"You own... The Devil's Bar? And you're asking me to work here?"

"Yeah..." She nodded like she saw nothing wrong with it. "This is a safer part of town and everyone here is rich they wouldn't be mugging you. Ah, I wouldn't let anyone touch you here. So you can continue pouring drinks until you find your inspiration. Come on." She waved and we moved away from her office.

She introduced me to the bar and from the liquor placement, I can tell a lot of people order whiskey here. Proceeded to the party area, and storage. "Actually, I live directly upstairs." Natasha said before pressed the button for the penthouse level.

"How in the world did you own all of this?"

"Save up and... make investments at the right time." She smiled at me as if it was easy to do. Only money makes money.

"That doesn't explain why so many people know you on the street." I asked as I jumped to sit on the ledge and looked out at the city view from her balcony. She passed me a scotch as I continued to enjoy the breeze.

"What can I say, if you need help, always come to my bar. Deal with the devil as they say." She smirked before sipping her liquor.

"So they give you something in exchange for your help."

"Yeah, I've got a wide connection and some of them owe me a favour."

"Do you advertise your bar like this?" Seems kind of suspicious, people must have been very desperate to accept this help.

"No! Of course not!" She shook her head. "Through word of mouth. You should know, there's no secrets at a bar, everyone just talks. It's up to them if they believe it."

"I believe it, you're the devil and I wish to see it."

She laughed at me. "It's not something I can just show-"

I didn't let her finish her sentence as I dropped the glass and leant back. Letting myself fall off the edge. A little bit extreme I know. I don't really know if she is going to save me. After all, I am just a woman she met at the bar and needs some help in her direction in life. I mean, the building is only that tall. I closed my eyes and let my whole body relax on the way down.

"I can't believe you made me do this." I opened my eyes and I finally saw the wings that I have been wanting to see.

"You could have just let me die if you didn't want to."

Written on 26 Dec 2022
Posted on 22 Jan 2023

I have no idea what is this.

Inspired by Lucifer and Tale of the Nine Tale (Korean Drama)

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