Try and Kill Me pt4 N.R

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Your POV
Natasha has been patiently waiting in the building as we come back from the hall. When she saw the determined eyes of her students, she looked at me and I shrugged. In silence, they sat for a few minutes which led Nat to think that they didn't do very well on their test. I was in no rush to begin class and was willing to wager that the bet they took from Erik would spur them on to study harder.

Discreetly, I passed a slip of paper to Nat containing what happened earlier to catch her up to speed with us. She reflected the smile I have before looking back at the class again, no doubt having the same thought as me.

"Miss Y/L/N, Miss Romanoff, can you start class now? We can't wait to crush Class A in the final examination." Nat and I could see fire in Kieran's eye, as he slammed his fist into his palm.

With the cooperation from the class, teaching went very smoothly as they tried to absorb what we taught them. Some even raised a few cognitive questions which showed that they were thinking deeply and in advance.

Even when the class ended, some students stayed behind. I even overhead some planning to visit their friends' house to consult them over the weekends. Before everyone left, I announced to the class. "I know all of you are motivated, but please remember to pace yourself. I wouldn't want you to burn yourself out before you reach your goal." A chorus of understanding came from them before they slowly dissolved.

Natasha POV
I watched as Y/N packed the table. Things have been hectic these few days. Between teaching and preparing for the next lesson, we hardly have any time to relax, whatmore for dates and relaxation. Taking this opportunity during the weekend, I wanted to bring Y/N out for a nice time.

"Alright. This is it for this week. Time to go Natty." Y/N said as she took her bag before locking up the door. Natty, the nickname she saves when we are alone, how much I have missed it. Since the time we have alone has decreased significantly, it has become a rare thing to hear from her. "Natty?" She repeated when I hadn't moved. I jogged a bit to catch up to her, linking my arms with hers. "What's gotten you so happy?"

"Happy that I get to spend my time with you. You're perfect." I said, looking into her eyes. She chuckled slightly before giving me a kiss to the cheeks. I pouted and tapped my lips and she gave me a sly smile before obliged.

"I love you. Thanks for helping me teach my students. Couldn't have done it without you."

"I love you too." Soon, we reached my corvette stingray and I helped Y/N get in the car before getting in the driver's seat. She's just able to make me fall in love with her over and over again effortlessly.


It's Sunday and it's time to put my plans into action. First, I told her we were going to watch a movie in the cinema together since it has been sometime we went on a date. Since the show we were watching has been playing in the cinema for a few weeks already, there weren't a lot of people in the cinema room we were in. "I thought you booked the entire cinema until I saw people walking in." Y/N said as she reached out for some popcorn that was placed in between us. There were only a handful of people since it's midday and people were either studying or working but I guess there were some people like us, waiting till the end to watch it.

We were sitting in the couple box at the back so there wasn't an armrest in between us and we were allowed to be as close as we wanted. "Trust me, I wanted to, darling, but you've spent all the budget between both of us on your students and there isn't enough left for such an act." I explained. I pulled Y/N closer with my arm that was over her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

"I couldn't let the principal do this to them." Bless her heart, all she thinks about are the wellbeing of her students. She should be crowned the best teacher in the entire universe. The room dimed even further, signifying the starting of the movie. We watched the movie as we were huddled together.

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