Did you notice? S.J

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Hii! Welcome back if you're from my first one shot book. If not, you're more than welcomed to stay as well. Nice to meet you!

Scarlett POV
Y/N was coming over today. I was cleaning up and preparing for her arrival when I heard the doorbell ring. Strange... She never arrives before the arranged time. Nevertheless, I went to the door to invite her in.

"Hi darling, you got here early today." I said as I pulled away from the hug.

"Yeah Scarlett, I had some scheduling problems so I didn't know where to go and decided to come here early instead." She gave me a kiss on my cheeks as we walked in together.

"I'm still preparing since you're here early." I thought I'll let her rest in the living room first but she followed me to the kitchen. "It's okay darling, you don't have to."

"I just want to help." She pouted and I raised my eyebrow. She was always quick to admit that she was a disaster waiting to happen in the kitchen.

"Okay... Then you can help me cut the peppers." I handed her the knife and peppers. "Be careful."

I was glancing at her as she chopped the peppers while I was stirring the pot, it was equally sized and efficient. I didn't even tell her I wanted it diced or sliced but she knew.

I slid my hands around her waist and kissed the back of her neck. "I'll take it from here. All that's left is to wait for it to cook."

"Okay. Oh! I just realised I forgot to take something from my car. Let me just go get it quickly."

"Sure darling."

Soon, she came back with a paper bag and she set it near the door before walking over to the living room. "I'll be waiting here, dear!" She shouted.

I was thinking about something when my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

Did you notice it?

Why did Y/N message me when she could have just shouted? I looked up at her and she was smiling innocently at me. What was she doing? I returned her smile as she began walking towards me.

I couldn't move my eyes away from Y/N as she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer to her, giving me a kiss on the lips. Just as I was about to get deeper into it, she pulled away.

"You didn't even notice your girlfriend was a different person?" I looked at her and turned her back around to see her neck. My lipstick mark was missing, there wasn't even a smudge.

"I had my suspicions, I left a mark on the supposed you and it's gone."

She smirked at me and took out her phone to call someone. "Yeah, you can come in now." I looked towards the door to see the carbon copy of her. I looked at the person standing next to me and the person at the door. They were wearing the same clothes and I couldn't differentiate the two.

"Well, I noticed you never call me dear when you walked in, you kissed my cheeks instead of my lips, you offered to help in the kitchen and most significantly, your diced peppers were too perfect." I listed my suspicious behaviour as I looked and pointed between them.

"Well, good to know you noticed. This is my twin sister, Victoria." Y/N introduced.

"Nice to meet you." I extended my hand and she accepted.

"Nice to meet you too, I just couldn't let the dinner go to waste."

"Oh yeah... I get what you mean." I chuckled lightly remembering the time Y/N tried to help and we ended up ordering takeout instead.

"Hey! Enough of that! You go and change. The bag is at the door." Y/N lightly slapped her arms, urging her to move.

"I didn't know you had a sister, an identical twin no less." I was surprised she was hiding such a thing from me.

"At least I'm relieved to know you can tell the difference between the both of us." She kissed my forehead before helping me set the table.

"She's married to her husband with kids so you don't have to worry about her." Y/N said while setting the mat.

"What? Do you think I fell in love with you because of your looks?"

"I'm sure it had a part to play."

"Maybe just a little..."

Written on 26 Nov 2021
Posted on 2 Jun 2022

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