Try and Kill Me pt3 N.R

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Third POV
Y/N announced to the class and reiterated what she said yesterday. Since it was going to be a lot more taxing for her to be taking care of the class having to quickly switch from one subject to the other, she decided to hire some help. Someone who would be okay seeing students trying to make an attempt on her life while teaching and at the same calibre as her.

"I know some of you have seen Miss Romanoff around before. She would be teaching you language as well as geography. If she's busy, you can come and find me too."

Y/N discussed with Natasha yesterday about requiring her help in school. Since there wasn't any saving the world work to be done, Nat could be in school and offer some help. Of course, no one else knew of this. The Ministry of Education wasn't going to allow such a thing to happen. Nat was more than happy to help. She gets to be with her girlfriend all day long and if things really were to get out of hand, she could be there to save her.

"I have knowledge of what's happening around here. I won't be interfering but if things were to turn bad I would definitely play a part to stop it." Nat used her Black Widow aura to scare the students. She knew she still had some sort of authority here since she worked for the state.

"What she meant is that the attempt would be considered a success and you would be free from studying that day." Y/N ended the introduction before talking about how the day would proceed. There were huge stacks of papers on the podium, Y/N called out their names and they went forward to collect their papers.

"Those papers will be completed by the end of the year." Y/N told them and they started on their papers. She began working with the student on the first row as Nat started from the back. There was a lot of talking in class but at least it was constructive talking. This class has really seen a lot of differences from the first day.

This continued for a few weeks until there was a test that determined where everyone in the school stood. This sprang on them until the day before and they didn't have time to mentally prepare for it.

"Class, I know that this test was given notice last minute but I believe that you would do well. Miss Romanoff and I have taught you all that you need to know to do well in the test. You have one hour and thirty minutes, the time starts now."

Once the countdown started, it heartened Y/N to see that they were able to start writing and answer some questions. She knew they weren't going to get full marks but hoped to see some improvement in their scores. Nat came to stand next to her and hugged her waist as looked at the class of students as well. "I know they'll be alright."

Y/N gave her a quick smile before turning her sight back to her students again. As an invigilator, the time passed very slowly with nothing to do. Hoping to take her mind off the time, she paced the length of the classroom but it didn't help much. But she knows as a student, they're desperately clinging onto any time they have, trying to complete the paper.

"The time is up. Put your pens down." A series of groans and sighs were heard. Y/N tried to think positively as she went around to collect the papers. She tried seeing from their face to see how they would fare on the test but they were mostly frowns on their faces.

"The test results will be known to you next week at the latest. Unfortunately, there is still class after this so please come back after a 15 minutes break."

Chairs scraping the floor filled the classroom as they left one by one. Y/N took this chance to prepare for the next studying session, leaving some things on their table. When the students came back from their break, they noticed a small file on their desks.

"I know all of you don't feel like studying now and I hope this can somehow lift your spirits up. In the file, it contains some photos of all of you in this class. I want all of you to know that your grades don't define you and hope that you enjoy this process with your friends and classmates during this journey."

"With that said, Miss Y/L/N has granted us another one hour to relax, so why don't we head to the field and have some fun before we come back again." Nat announced. Y/N looked at her with wide eyes as she had never heard of this before. Nat had a cheeky smile on her face as she led the students to the field. She was definitely the fun and active teacher while Y/N was the strict teacher.

The perks of using this building was the huge window that led to the field. From the window, Y/N can see the students playing soccer, dodgeball or sitting around. They were a lot more relaxed with their laughter being able to be heard from inside the classroom. Nat was actively engaging in dodgeball and demolishing everyone at the game. Eventually everyone went to join in and were trying to bring her down.

"Y/N!! Help me!!" Nat said as she jumped over one the balls that were flying towards her and rolling out of the way of the other.

"You brought this upon yourself." Y/N shouted back but walked towards the field.

"Please... Y/N... I owe you one for this." She deployed her puppy eye's and Y/N could no longer say no.

"I'll hold you to that." Y/N said as she joined and cracked her knuckles in preparation for the fight. Despite it being two teachers versus thirty students, they managed to win as they caught the ball and threw it accurately at their students. The game quickly ended in their favour and they weren't even out of breath.

When Y/N was first assigned to teach this class, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to do well. But now, she would gladly do it all over again. Breaking the rules was still in her blood and it exhilarated her. This definitely has a higher sense of accomplishment than teaching other students. Seeing the students slowly warm up to her made it all worth it. While it was still a long way to bringing up their studies, she was sure that she could do it by the end of the year.

Sadly all fun times must come to an end and the cramming starts once again.

Y/N and Nat taught their subject to their students and the week passed very quickly. Once again, they were told to head to the main hall where the results would be shown. Nat was unable to enter since she wasn't teaching in this school and most importantly, a certified teacher. Everyone was nervous as they were waiting for the results to be shown on the screen.

After a few words from the principal, the entire's school results were shown on the screen. Everyone was desperately searching for their name amongst the 240 students. Y/N had faith in her students that they'll be part of the top half of the school. "Taylor is number 110! He's number 110!" Sally shouted when she saw Taylor's name in the list. Everyone started cheering because she's usually the last in class. If she managed to be part of the top half, the rest of the class is safe. Students started hugging each other, excited that they have improved so much during the year, from the bottom of the class to where they are now.

Everyone was busy talking as they left the hall, their shoulders much lighter. "Hey! The last class!" They turned their heads to see who was addressing them.

It was Erik, the principal's son who was in Class A. They rolled their eyes before continuing walking back to their building not wanting to associate themselves with him. "I want to have a bet with your class. For each subject, whoever's class scores the highest in the main examination will get one wish fulfilled by the other."

They stopped to listen to Erik, Y/N decided not to interfere and left it up to her students to decide if they want to take up the bet. "Well, don't take it if you're a coward." Erik taunted.

"We'll take it." Keiran stood up and said.

Written on 18 Oct 2022
Posted on 24 Dec 2022

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