Only You S.J

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Currently, you are in a dry spell that most people worry about and complain about. But, it allowed you to follow your wife on set instead of worrying how long you would be away from her. Of course, you'd miss the fun and enjoyment acting gave you, but it's not like you needed the employment anyway. It's more than enough to last a lifetime if you don't splurge on anything.

"Still mesmerised by your wife, I see." Chris sat next to you as you watched Scarlett work. You hummed and nodded without really listening to what he was saying.

Since the beginning of time, ever since you met Scarlett, you have blurred out everything other than her. Everything does not matter when you have her. People have said you were a simp for her, but thankfully you were still professional when you were working without her. You wouldn't want to be in the headline as the actress who couldn't focus and disrupt others.

You took in everything Scarlett did, her voice, her action. You couldn't see anything else, and Scarlett knows that. It was scary at first seeing you not responding to others, but they learned how to get over that - to get Scarlett to get your attention. That was how you got closer to her in the end.

"Baby, Chris is asking if you want to head to lunch with them." Scarlett was in front of you, holding your face and repeating what Chris was asking you.

"Hmm yeah, okay. What about you?" You asked. It didn't seem like she was done, as her acting partner was still on set. Thankfully, you weren't the clingy type, or it'll be the worst combination ever.

"If you can get me some burgers, that would be great." Scarlett learnt her lesson on letting you choose for her. You thought it was a nice gesture to get one of everything she liked, but apparently, it was too much as she had to give it away or it'll turn bad.

"Okay, I'll come back soon."


You first met her during a table read; that was the worst performance you ever put on. You were sure some actors and actresses you haven't worked with thought you were useless. You kept missing your entrance to your line, mixing words up, and causing the mood of the script to drift from what it was supposed to be.

The director had to announce a break, pulled you aside and asked what you were doing. You had worked with him in other films, and he knows you were not the kind of person to not be serious in your work.

You had to apologise and head back to the room. It was a struggle to concentrate on your work when she was there. Even Lizzie asked what was going on when she came back.

Thankfully, your scenes with Scarlett were few and far between, and you were able to complete filming without disturbing the schedule.

However, when the weekend came, and Lizzie came to invite you to join the rest of the cast, it was hard to say no and yes at the same time. You didn't want to make a fool out of yourself in front of her, yet you wanted to get close to her at every chance, so you agreed to join them when Lizzie came to ask you.

Everyone sat at the table naturally, like it was their own home. You managed to find an empty seat at the end of the table but were saddened not to see Scarlett anywhere.

"Looking for Scarlett?" Victor, another actor that you were currently working with, asked.

You looked up at him, shocked. "What?"

He chuckled before saying. "Your eyes are always looking for Scarlett. And when they find their target, it never leaves." Your face flushed at his words. "You're pretty obvious; almost everyone in the set knows."

Suddenly, he raised his hands, gaining the attention of the person at the door. You followed his movement and looked at the person at the door. "Scarlett! Take my seat! I am going to sit next to Anthony to pester him." He cheerfully left his seat and took another nearby chair at the opposite end.

"Hi, hopefully, I wasn't interrupting the both of you." Scarlett said as she sat down. She continued smiling, waiting for you to reply until she realised you were just staring at her. "Are you okay?" She waved her hand in front of your face, trying to get your attention back.

You shook your head when you realised what you were doing. "What were you saying? Sorry." She chuckled before repeating her words again. "We weren't talking about anything important."

When the waiter came to take everyone's order, you ordered the same as Scarlett without knowing what she ordered. When it arrived at the table, you realised it was only mushroom soup with a small salad. The look on your face must have been very apparent as Scarlett stifled a laugh when the waiter presented the food in front of you.

"Not what you expected?"

"I wasn't really expecting anything." You picked up the spoon and started drinking, not wanting it to go to waste.

"How about we eat something else later?"

"Sure. Anything."

"Deal, it's a date." You froze with your spoon midway. Scarlett said it so naturally that you questioned what you heard. "I'll come and knock on your door later. We are staying in the same hotel, right?"

You nodded. "Room 1305."

So, in the end, Scarlett was the one who did all the work, as all you would do was stare at her all day if she let you.

Written on 27 June 2023
Posted on 31 Oct 2023

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