The Secretary N.R

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Being the secretary for Ms Romanoff meant that you were the one who schedules everything and ensured that everything that landed in her hand was in order. It also meant that you were the point of contact for hundreds of companies. Something was bound to slip from your sight and go unnoticed.

This was what happened and now the director of another company was standing in front of you and screaming at how you should have handled everything properly. Thankfully the level you're stationed at was the CEO level meaning it was only Ms Romanoff and you, and there were no others to see your embarrassing moment. Once you step out of the elevator, you were there to make sure they have an appointment with Ms Romanoff before announcing their arrival.

"Why did Ms Romanoff hire such an incompetent person to fill this role?" He shouted at your face when he realised that there was no appointment under his name. "You can't even do your job properly and you're getting such a high paycheck."

Natasha heard shouting outside and knew you needed help or you're only going to stand there and get shouted at. Seldom do you ever retaliate unless you were certain it was 100% not your fault.

"Mr Davidson." Natasha spoke.

"Ms Romanoff. You really ought to fire your secretary or give her a refresher course." He spoke without missing a beat. "I made an appointment a week ago only to realise when I'm here that I don't." He scoffed when he looked at you.

"The lady you're reprimanding is my wife." His face instantly paled.

"W-what." He tried looking for a name tag but found none. "I- I am sorry for shouting at you-"

"She's not my wife?"


"I wanted to see how you treat my employee. Your words sure changed quickly when you thought Ms Y/L/N was my wife. You were more afraid to offend me than to treat people with respect." She came forward and stood protectively next to you behind your desk. "If only you were kind enough to her, we could have worked something out and gotten you a meeting. But unfortunately, I refuse to entertain your request to meet any further. Security, please escort this man out now." Natasha didn't wait for Mr Davidson's reply. "Ms Y/L/N, in my office."

You followed behind Natasha until you were private in her office. "Come here." She opened her arms wide for you to enter and you stood in her embrace, fitting in perfectly. Her head rested above yours as she rubbed your back.

You hated how easily you felt like crying. "I didn't mean to make a mistake..." You choked.

"I know I know... He was being a dick and he deserved to be kicked out." She spoke softly to you. "There was also no way I was going to allow him to speak to my future wife in such a manner." She rocked you side to side knowing it calms you down.

The silence was comforting before Natasha spoke again. "Just a few more days darling. Few more days before I can call you my wife."

Written on 28 July 2023
Posted on 12 Dec 2023

Just a quick little story that came into my mind.

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