You can see me? N.R

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This is my Valentine's day gift to all of you. Happy Valentine! 

Your POV

It's been some time since I was in this predicament, half a year, 6 months, 26 weeks, 182 days. It happened overnight, maybe I asked for it, but I never thought it would really happen.

Natasha POV
It was another day of studying in the library. Wanda ditched me at the last minute because her professor changed the class schedule and I am left to study alone. There's something about studying alone that throws me off. Like there's no one to monitor what I'm doing even though Wanda doesn't. It's kind of a psychological thing.

I walked into the library trying to find a quiet spot where there isn't much people but since it was close to exam season, there were a lot of people studying and almost every table was occupied. I tried searching a while longer knowing if I were to leave, I wouldn't be getting much studying done at home. My eyes scanned the tables in front of me until I saw something out of place in the library. A girl wearing a bunny suit walking around like no one was watching her. I stood rooted in my place, how is everyone ignoring this? She continued walking until she stopped in front of me walking around me as if I was an exhibit.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

She took a step back and looked at me in shock. "You can see me?"

"Yeah, what kind of question is that? You're not exactly making yourself hidden at all with what you're wearing." I whispered.

"People usually don't see me." She jumped around and to prove her point, she leaned in front of a guy and waved her hand, not receiving any reaction. She even went as far as picking up his pen and threw it at me. "See. Told you. I don't understand how you're the only one capable of seeing me."

"What's your name?" I decided to ask.

"Y/N Y/L/N. I study here too. Entered in (year)."

"You're my senior!" I raised my voice, earning a few looks from the students who were focusing. "Let's talk outside."

"How is it that I've never seen you before?" She entered the school two years earlier than me but I've never heard of her.

"A lot of people have actually seen me. I used to be a model. Quite a popular one too in fact. I hated how the paparazzi would always be stalking me and the only quiet place would be the school. But soon enough I couldn't even be myself in school. Whenever I walked people would be following me. But it stopped one day. I woke up and no one could see me. All the modeling jobs I've done have vanished. It's like I entered another universe."

I listened quietly as she recounted. It certainly looks like a very tough life. By now, studying was thrown to the back of my head. She was fearlessly jumping and dancing by the sidewalk. "What about your parents? Surely they remember you."

"They're overseas, I haven't heard from them so I assumed they forgot about me. But my sister remembers me though. Maybe because I'm her financial giver." She shrugged her shoulders as she entered a convenient store. "Do you want anything? I can get them for free."

"What do you mean free?"

"They can't see." She went to the fridge and took a bottle of water and some ice cream and waved it in front of a cashier, but nothing happened. Like a weird person, I entered and left swiftly without buying anything.

"Are you not scared I will tell someone?"

"Who is going to believe you? By the next day, you're going to forget about me and everything will turn back again." She passed an ice cream and I took it from her. I wasn't going to waste a good ice cream.

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