Moonlight N.R

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Natasha POV
It was early morning when Fury brought in the new recruit. All training was postponed when we received the announcement. Fury told us she managed to escape Hydra during an airstrike and chaos but unfortunately, while escaping, she breathed in the vapour from the destroyed laboratory chemicals and ended up gaining power. While her power was not as strong as they intended it to be, she still suffers from the side effects of it. She was so close to escaping as a human being with some trauma from the kidnapping but now she has to suffer through the side effects as well.

"Right, everyone's here." Fury said when he walked in with the new recruit. She stood slightly behind Maria as she got introduced. "This is Y/N Y/L/N, she'll be starting in the lowest rank and hopefully become a full fledged member before dying."

"Nice meeting all of you." Y/N finally said when Fury and Maria left.

"Likewise. We only got your name and a little bit of yourself from Fury. Mind telling us about your abilities?" Steve asked. Everyone was equally curious about what she has in store for us.

She nodded before saying. "My power involves shadow manipulation." But obviously none of us got what she meant and tilted our head slightly.

"For example." She looked around before turning off one of the lights. "Try moving your legs." She nodded towards Steve.

I saw Steve trying to move his legs. He tried his hardest but he was only able to twist his torso and bend his knees. "I- I can't"

"That's because I used your shadow and got a hold of your legs." She explained. "But if it gets too bright then I wouldn't be able to use my power since no shadow would be formed."

"Nice of you to join us." Steve said and told her where her room would be located. After a rough tour, we went for the training that we we're supposed to attend.

Your POV
Steve told us I was going to fight with all of them so everyone can get a feel of how I fight and so do I. In the end, I got posted with Sam as my buddy since my fighting style is more of assisting rather than aggressive. Especially since my hands are out of commission when I use my power. Steve, Thor and Natasha were the toughest to defeat, not only because they were better at hand to hand combat but when I did manage to strike a punch, my fist hurts like hell.

Apart from that, I also like knife throwing. It's just something satisfying that I am able to throw something with a strong enough force to kill someone.

"Y/N, the team is heading out for dinner, do you want to join us?" Steve asked after everyone had rested from the training session.

"I'll just stay behind, I'll order pizza or something." I declined his offer.

"Steve, you don't have to be so serious when asking someone to join the team event. But seriously, you don't want to join us? The whole team is going. If it's about cash, you don't have to worry about that. I got it covered." Tony said, pulling Steve slightly behind to speak.

"Thank you, but I'm really okay staying behind."

A couple weeks passed and things were going really well. It's similar to school if you think about it. The main bulk of 'studying' would be training and learning about how to improve my power, I do that with Wanda and Vision occasionally accompanying her. After that's done, I'm free to go anywhere or join the others. But I'm usually at my computer playing games.

Natasha has been coming to observe my sessions with Sam. She usually makes snarky remarks with Sam while I enjoy their bantering.

"Can I talk to you for a moment, Y/N?" Natasha said when my training with Sam ended. I nodded and walked towards her. Before I was able to take my water bottle, she had already unscrew the cap and passed it to me. I mumbled a small thanks before asking her what she wanted to talk about.

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