Overly Tired N.R

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With you being a resident nurse and Natasha being an Avengers, it was rather hard to find time to meet up. Both of you actually met at the bar on the day you had your first patient died on you. You were in a bad mood when you entered, and when Natasha tried to flirt with you, you just weren't having it. You ended up snapping at her before walking out. Natasha felt bad for pushing you, and she should have stopped when she knew that you were appreciative with the flirting. Wanting to apologise to you, she went back to the same bar everyday hoping to be able to say sorry to you. The bartender said that you were irregular with the amount of time you visit but was sure that you would come again some time soon. Thankfully, you appeared again a few days later and when you saw her at the counter, you were ready to turn and leave but she stopped you. After listening to her, you saw how apologetic she was and accepted her apology drink.

You decided that she wasn't a bad person to hang out with and her one mistake doesn't define what her character is. However, with you working long hours and Natasha without a set time, it was prone to one party not being able to meet up. But nevertheless, both of you managed to find time together -  sometimes in the early morning for a run or late night for some supper. You actually hung out with her more than you thought you would.

You felt like a friend with her, but also more than that. No one clarified what the situation was. It started as hanging out as a way for her to show that she was sorry. But we ended up getting to know each other more. You talked to her a lot about your work, rant to her, and she always listened without complaining.

"Why do you... never talk about your work?" You asked. You were currently at a Ramen place with Natasha after a long day at work. "I always talk to you about how irritating my patients are, or how some of them are so kind. But you never once said anything. I know you're an Avenger, and you can't reveal a lot. But surely there would be a few stories to share."

"Well, I didn't think you would want to know anything to do with my work." She replied. She didn't want to reveal a lot about herself, and drag you in further. She may get too comfortable with you and accidentally reveal something that you shouldn't know. It can be very dangerous to get involved with her.

"I do, I want to know everything about you."


Ever since that last meeting, things started to change. You were not answering her calls and your replies to her texts were short.

She decided to call the hospital you were working in. After being connected to the telephone, the nurse on the phone asked who she was looking for.

"I'm calling to ask for Nurse Y/N? I'm her friend, I tried calling her phone several times and I'm wondering if -" Before Natasha could even finish her sentence, the nurse interrupted her.

"Are you the friend that she has been hanging out with the past few days?" She said curtly.

"Uhmm. Yes, I guess so." Natasha wouldn't know who else you would have been hanging out with, but knowing how busy you were, and truthfully, she had been hanging out with you the past few days, she couldn't fathom you would have the time to spend with someone else.

"Nurse Y/N had just fainted and is currently resting. She has enough on her plate, and has been rushing to finish on time, claiming to see a friend. If you truly care about her, I don't care if you're a close friend or what, but you shouldn't treat her like she doesn't need to rest. Visiting hours are over, and I wouldn't allow you to see her anyway." She hung up immediately without giving Natasha a chance to reply.

Natasha didn't know what to feel hearing this news, phone still next to her ear even after the call ended.

"Nat, are you alright?" Clint asked her when he saw her talking on the phone.

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