You can see me? pt2 N.R

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Third POV
The next day Natasha went to school as usual, and she was the first to reach the school, waiting for Wanda. "Wow... you're looking better today. No offence, but you looked like a zombie for the past two days." Natasha raised an eyebrow, not having any idea what she was talking about. "So, are we studying together today?"

"Why would we not be studying together?" Natasha thought this was getting more and more ridiculous.

"I don't know!" Wanda raised her voice defensively. "Maybe because someone has been leaving me alone for the past two days to do some family matters." It was rare that Natasha couldn't remember what she told Wanda. In fact, the past few days have been a fog for her.

"Regardless, how have you been studying? Wanda knows how Natasha gets. She was more of an active person, and studying often took a backseat until she had to study. It would be really terrible if her friend had to stay back a year just because she failed some subjects.

"I'll manage. It's not that bad."

After school, Wanda invited Natasha over to study with her. But truly, when two friends study together, it takes a lot of self-control not to indulge in more interesting activities rather than studying. But it was required to get Natasha even to start studying.

Natasha stayed over at the Maximoff for dinner before heading back home. As she was rearranging the items on her desk, she noticed a couple of scrap pieces of paper scattered in the drawers of her desk.

There's this girl I met in the library today, Y/N Y/L/N. She was wearing some sort of bunny costume, but that's because no one else could see her. She's two grades above me and a popular model. How I manage to see her, I have no idea. All I know is that I like being around her.

We went to the aquarium today. It was really cute seeing her watch all those fishes in the massive tank. The light blue colour reflecting off her face was all I could focus on. I don't want to forget about her.

Who was this Y/N?? Why am I crying? Who is this person? I racked my head, but I was unable to come up with anything. Was this who I was spending my last two days with? How come I can't remember who she is? Why does my heart aching and longing for her?

I composed myself and placed the paper back in the drawer. I recognise the handwriting. They were definitely mine. I can't let this affect me, the exams are coming and I can't afford to fail it.


"Good luck, Nat. I know this is your last exam but it's the toughest for you." Wanda patted my shoulder as I stood outside the exam hall with the rest of the students. Wanda was in a different hall than me. She didn't choose to take Literature, rather, she took Philosophy. How she is coping with that, I have no idea.

The invigilator gave out the papers and soon, students were focusing on the text and trying to remember parts of the book that could substantiate their points. All except for me. Despite giving in to pressure and writing a few words on the paper, I didn't have anything that could help me earn many marks.

I was panicking as there were a lot to write and little time to do so.

It can be difficult at times. I find the trick is to figure out the setting and tone first. Figure out what era you're in. People had different opinions centuries ago.

I looked up from my paper. Whose voice was that? However, I was able to start writing my essay. Words and ideas flowed from there, and I was able to complete my essay in time.

Y/N Y/L/N. I study here too. Entered in (year).

I froze when I remembered who she was. I can't believe I forgot about her. Without passing my papers to the invigilator, I rushed out of the hall and started shouting her name. Professors started exiting the room because I was distributing the exam, but I was more focused on finding Y/N.

"Listen up!" I ran towards the field and faced the building. "Y/N Y/L/N is the one I love. I want to hold hands and walk down the beach with you. I want to see you as a bunny girl again. I want to hold you tight, and I want to kiss you too!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Steps on the grass made me turn my head. "What are you doing? Are you trying to get into detention?"

Smile spread on my face automatically when I saw her. I can see her. She is not invisible to me. Y/N grabbed my arm and ran out of school, I'm not too worried about the things I left behind and followed behind her without saying anything.

"Everything I said is true." That made her stop in her steps and looked at me.

"You only think that because you're the special one." She shook her head. "You think this is some kind of a connection."

"You're wrong. For the rest of my life, there will be others who will be able to see you, interact with you, but I will never fall in love with anyone harder than I already am with you." I confessed, not caring about the people walking around us. I took a step closer and held her hands. "I love you more than you ever know."

"I thought you would have forgotten about me. And I would only be able to watch you from afar. But I didn't want to drag you down. That's why I put sleeping pills in your drinks. I couldn't watch you struggle to stay awake for me."

"We are both silly in our own ways."

Written on 14 Feb 2023
Posted on 16 Feb 2023

Inspired by: Bunny does not dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (anime)

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