Last gift N.R

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Your POV
I was still using those retro flip phones whereas everyone else was using the latest model of technology. I didn't change my phone because I didn't have the money to buy a new one but that's not the whole reason why.

Much to Tony's dismay, no matter how many times he tried urging me to use the latest phone so he could install all the tech he created, I refused to do so.

My phone may be laggy at times but it's durable. I've lost count how many times it had dropped to the ground, causing the outer shell to be battered but the screen was still working fine. Signals at times may be weak as I do not have the 5G technology, hence I have to stretch my arms high or go to the balcony to send a text.

We were at Tony's party once again after a successful mission and everyone was sitting at the couch drinking their alcohol of choice.

With one hand holding my cocktail and the other going through my phone, I sat at the arm of the couch because surprise surprise, Tony didn't get enough couch for everyone to sit comfortably.

"What are you looking at, newbie?" Tony pointed at me from across the group as he noticed I was way too quiet. "You should be partying not looking at your dumb phone. I bet it doesn't have anything interesting in it anyway." It was clear that he was drunk otherwise he wouldn't have spoken to me like this as he knew I could snap the life out of him.

I ignored his comment and continued reading through my messages until he got closer. "What? Reading your girlfriend's text?" He tried to peek but I moved it out of the way.

"I don't have a girlfriend, Tony!"

"That's great!" Just as I looked at him confused, he took my phone out from my hand and snapped it in half. I dropped the glass from my hand and everyone turned to look at me after hearing the glass smash on the ground. Their conversations stopped as they sensed the atmosphere between us.

I felt as if I forgot how to breathe as my eyes darted between his hands and my phone in two halves. "I'll just get you another one. It's time for you to change anyway." He handed me back my phone while I was still in shock.

"IT'S NOT THE SAME!" I shouted before running back to my room.

Natasha POV
A glass shattering sound made all of us turn our heads to look at Tony and Y/N. It was as if the conductor told us to stop making any sound and we stared at them in silence.

"I'll just get you another one. It's time for you to change anyway." Tony took Y/N's hand and placed her phone in her palm in two halves.

"IT'S NOT THE SAME!" She shouted as Tony turned away and ran back to her room.

Silence continued to surround us until Steve spoke up. "I think you went too far this time." The rest nodded along with him.

I placed my drink on the table in front of me before walking over to Y/N's room. Sobbing sound could be heard even before I got to her door. Wanting to give her some time and space, I waited outside until it started to die down before entering.

The moment my knuckles landed on her door, I could hear her trying to stop her sniffles. "It's me, can I come in?"

"Y-yeah." With her permission, I opened the door slowly.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I asked as I approached her. Her body was still shaking as she hid under the thick duvet.

"I-I'm fine."

I sighed. "Y/N, even a kid can tell you're lying." I got behind her and ran my hand up and down her arm. She continued sniffling and I can tell it affected her more than it seemed.

"M-my phone... that was given to me by my mother before she died... it contains all the messages between her and me... and now it's gone... Nat..." Y/N turned around and broke down into another cry into my chest. 

"Oh sweetheart." I wrapped my hands around her and tried to calm her down. "Calm down, or you're going to dehydrate yourself."

"Can I have your phone? I'm going to try to retrieve all the messages as best I could." I rested my chin on her head and suggested. "If I can't, I'm going to have Tony do it. The gun isn't going to be away from his head until he can."

Instead of a sniffle, I heard a giggle and that's a better sign. "That's right, I love hearing your laughter, sweetheart."

Written on 7 April 2022
Posted on 30 Aug 2022

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