The Unassuming N.R

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Usage of vulgarities

Wanda recently had a new interest, and if you know anything about your sister, she likes to take things seriously and go all out. This time, she has taken to bartending after trying a few cocktails. She was drawn in due to the colour cocktails have to offer, and not so much about the drinking. Nevertheless, she has managed to be an apprentice under a nice experienced bartender.

You gave your sister a few weeks to get used to the environment before going to see how she was doing. You know that those that just started won't be able to mix any drinks for their customer, but you were hoping that they would make an exception for you.

You brought Natasha along with you, knowing that she likes her drink. And whenever Nat goes to a bar, there's always something fun to watch.

You were having a few drinks and talking to Wanda about any interesting things she has encountered during her job, but things have thankfully been quiet. Other than taking a few orders and handing them off, she hasn't been allowed to do much.

"Hey, honey, let me buy you a drink." Someone with a gruff voice literally said that to Nat.

Without turning around, Nat rejected that guy. "No thanks. Already have one, and just so you know, I'm married." This was common for Nat, people always loved to try their chance with her. And while some are tactful and respectful when rejected, most aren't.

"Slut, bitch, I'm just offering a beer."

"And I'm just declining; leave me alone." Beer wasn't even one of her top choices.

"I bet I could fucking beat the shit of your man!" And, of course, they always like to assume that Nat was straight and married to a man.

However, this time she just smiled and nodded. "Most likely."

"Gee, thanks, babe." You sat back, enjoying the show and chips, knowing she could settle it, but she dragged you into this mess. For better or for worse, after all isn't it? You looked at the drunk man and noticed that he was at least five inches taller than you and more muscular. You should have heeded your wife's advice to head to the gym more often.

"You're this bitch's lady?"

"I'm her wife, yes." You were still trying not to escalate the situation, and risk being banned from coming here again.

"Slut, I could pummel you in seconds! She should ditch your sorry ass, and I'll show her what a real man is like!" He started targeting and shouting at you.

"You could probably beat me up, but that's not the problem. My wife asked you to leave. Please do so before you get hurt."

"Fuck you, what are you going do about it?" The drunk man grabbed your shoulder and tried to punch him. Before he can, Natasha turns on her bar stool, twists the drunk's hand away, and punches him so hard in the face that he drops to the floor.

"I didn't say I'd hurt you." You watched as he stumbled to his feet, furious and bleeding from his nose.

"Fuck you both! This bitch punched me! Throw her out!" He demanded Wanda throw Natasha out even though she did nothing wrong and repeatedly told him to leave.

"Hell no!"

"Bitch! I am the owner's brother! I want her and her wife tossed!" This guy needs more vocabulary in his books, instead of using the same words over and over again.

"I didn't know I had a brother." The guy Wanda was apprenticing stepped forward after events started heating up.


"I own this bar, and my brother will be escorting you out this instant for harassing my customer and staff." He put his foot down and motioned for his brother, who was the bar's bouncer to drag him out. He continued shouting until he was unceremoniously tossed onto the streets.

Seeing how he dealt with that guy, you felt better that Wanda was learning in a safe environment.

Given the opportunity, you asked the bartender if it was alright that Wanda mixed a few drinks or the both of you. He let that be an exception after the earlier incident and you quickly gave a few orders.

It wasn't the nicest night, but it was a night that was to be told to others. And sadly, a lot more for Nat to experience.

Written on 8 July 2023
Posted on 28 Nov 2023

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