Alzheimer S.J

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Your POV
I was working in the office when I heard my phone vibrating on the table. We were working in a free sitting setting, hence it was all open space.

I answered my phone and whispered the best I could so I didn't disturb others. "Yes, mum. What is it? You know I'm working."

"Bring me to your work." She said bluntly.

"What! No! I can't do that."

"I don't care. Bring me there. Or I'm walking out now." She threatened me.

"Nonono, don't go out alone. I'll come and pick you up." I gave in, there was no stopping her if she were to head out alone.

I packed everything on my table as quietly as I could and walked to the lobby with my head down. It was still midday and it was weird that I was leaving already. I got to my car and called Scarlett on the speaker.

Hi babe!
Miss me?
Shouldn't you be working?

Hii honey...
Yeah I miss you and should be working but my mum called...

What's wrong?
Did anything happen?

No... but can I pop by your shooting place?
She insisted on coming with me and
I can't possibly bring her to my work.

I need to talk to the director but I'm sure it's no problem.

Thanks honey.

No problem, it's what wives do.
I love you.

I love you too.

Just as I was done with the phone call, I reached our house and she was already waiting outside all ready to go. Once she saw my car, my mum hopped happily and got in the passenger seat.

Second POV
Your mum had a diagnosis a few weeks ago that changed her life and the people around her. It was a common thing that elderly people got, especially when they were just lounging at home and not exploring outside.

The kind and patient doctor guided you through everything you needed to know. From the reason for her sickness, medicines that she'll be needing to take and to future checks.

"So it's like her brain is shrinking." You asked after listening and summarised the information.

"Yeah, she'll start forgetting things and her motor skill may be affected in the future." The doctor said emphatically.

You resist the urge to cry in front of the doctor, it wouldn't be fair to him, having to deal with you and other patients. Your mother was still fine then, able to manage most things on her own. But you soon realised she was asking you a lot of things and misplacing important items, such as her ID.

Scarlett knew about your mother's condition because you were staying with her, too afraid to leave her alone. You wanted to get a maid to keep an eye on her but she kept insisting she was fine. Each time you tried bringing it up, she would flare up and start screaming at you.

Scarlett tried being there for you as best she could, it was not easy being the caregiver of someone you couldn't reason to and needed attention while you were at work.


You were trying to control your mother's excitement when you reached the place where Scarlett was currently filming. She was going on and on about how she wanted to see everything and you were trying to explain to her that everyone was working here and she shouldn't disturb them.

"Hey babe." Scarlett came to welcome you and introduced you both to the team. After saying hi to them, you tried to urge your mother to come with you to Scarlett's trailer so you could work while having an eye on her.

"It's alright, babe. I can show her around, it's my break now." Scarlett said after your mother whined about wanting to see the place. You sighed and nodded before heading to her trailer and started on your work. You even skipped lunch because you had to travel so you just rummaged her mini fridge to snack on whatever you could find.

After working for a bit, your mother came back with Scarlett who was still having a smile on her face which was in contrast to you. Your eyes were knitted together trying to get things done while your mind was elsewhere. It seems like she was satisfied with the tour she got around here.

You returned your gaze back to your laptop after sparing them a glance. Scarlett knew you were working so she left you alone but your mother couldn't be bothered about that. Why would she? She dragged you out of office, what makes you think she cares if you're working now.

"Y/N, can you get me a cup of water?" Your mother asked when she sat down on the couch.

"Mum, I'm busy." You said while typing on your laptop.

"It's okay, I can get it for you." Scarlett stood up and was prepared to leave when she was stopped by your mother.

"I was talking to Y/N, I want her to get a cup of water for me. Not you."

"It's going to be the same if I take it or her."

"I want her to take it, not you. I'm her mother, she should treat me like one."

"It's fine, Scarlett. I'll take it." You decided it was faster to just take it for her instead of arguing and ruining everyone's mood. You poured a glass for her before placing it on the coffee table in front of her.

She rolled her eyes before taking a sip and complaining about it again. "Why did you give me hot water? Are you trying to burn my tongue?" She shouted and threw the cup on the table.

"What? No! It's room temperature."

"All you know how to do is work work and work. What else do you know how to do?" She took the paper that was next to your laptop and flapped it in front of your face, accidentally cutting your cheeks.

Scarlett gasped when she saw blood trickling down your face and she rushed to your side. "Babe, are you okay?" You nodded your head and went to the washroom to clean your cut. It wasn't deep but it was taking a while for the bleeding to stop. After placing a bandaid on your cheeks you were ready to head out.

When you were about to step out of the washroom, you could hear Scarlett talking to your mum. "M/N, she's trying her best to give you the best she can. You don't have to purposely make it difficult for her." She said in her low voice trying to make it known to you but it's hard in a small trailer.

You purposely made a loud noise turning the door knob to announce that you were returning. It was tense after Scarlett had to leave to continue shooting but you kept your attention on your laptop. When you decided it was getting too quiet, you glanced slightly to see your mother had fallen asleep on the couch.

You let out a small sigh and went to grab a blanket for your mother so she doesn't catch a cold.


You were drying your face with your towel after finishing your nightly routine in your shared bathroom when the emotion just came crashing on you. The tap was still running when you covered your face with your towel to try and muffle your cries. Soon it got louder and louder, the towel and running tap did nothing to help you hide your cries from the wife that was waiting outside the washroom.

Scarlett rushed into the washroom and pulled you closer to her chest, allowing you to cry while she rubbed your back. You listened to her heartbeat as you calmed down and pulled away when you've regained yourself.

She brought you to the bed and you cuddled up to her and laid your head on her chest. "I'm just so tired. I love her but I don't know how much longer I can last." You confided in her.

"It's okay, you can rest. We can share the burden together. Through ups and downs we go through them together."

"Thank you, Scarlett. I love you." You hugged her closer.

"I love you too." She kissed the crown of your head before drawing random shapes on your back trying to get you to sleep.

Written on 3 April 2022
Posted on 28 Aug 2022

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