I know you wanted to S.J

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Your POV
Of course, everyone is supposed to play their part when they are living in the same house. It can be as small as washing the dishes, keeping your table or room clean, or washing the laundry, it contributes to the family more than you can think.

But there are days or weeks when you don't feel like contributing because you didn't feel like moving. Just having to go to school is tiring enough, not to mention the homework you must do. You sigh at it each time you see it.

Yeah, fair enough, parents have it tough too because technically, they are working longer hours than you but it wasn't as if you were forcing them to keep the house clean and tidy all the time.

"Y/N, can you put the dishes in the dishwasher?" I sighed and rolled my eyes when mum shouted across the living room. I was literally doing it already and it's the worst feeling when they tell you to do something that I was doing.

I started slamming the bowls and plates in making mum walk over to me questioning why I was making such a big fuss over it. I just ignored her and continued putting the last of the cutlery in and starting the machine.

"I'm just asking you to put the dishes in, is it so difficult?" Mum grumbled and I knew she was having a bad day today so I decided to remain quiet and walk away. Just walk away from the fight.

"Come back here." She said sternly so I turned around and faced her. "I haven't finished talking. Where do you think you're going."

I just sighed internally knowing this was going to take some time. "I've told you many times before. This isn't only my house. I don't have to be the one doing all the house chores. I am not your maid..." She continued reprimanding me and I just tuned her out while trying to think of other things than the one right in front of me.

I'll just cry if I register what she says in my mind, I don't want her to think... I don't know, what would she think?

She says the same thing over and over again each time. I already knew how this was going to end, no point listening and making myself feel worse than I already am. I maintain the same expression making sure to look a bit sad. I just need to check in to see at which point she's at in her script. "I might as well be staying in my own house if only I am going to clean the house..."

Hmm... what should I do when I get sent back to my room later? Read some books? I have a couple that I have been planning to read, perhaps I could get started on that. Or maybe I should just head to bed and call it a day. Slightly early, yes, but it avoid a lot of trouble if I can't hear them.

I was still listening to her speaking when she raised her hand and stopped for a moment before pushing her hair back. I watched through everything without blinking.

"You were planning to hit me weren't you?" I usually am not the type who interrupts but I needed to get that out.

"No, I wasn't."

"You did think about it." I insisted. I know that much.

"I wasn't." She repeated.

"Okay, let's say I give you that. And the thing you've been talking about. I was already putting the dishes in. Did you not think how many dishes I have already placed in when you arrive? Did it all magically appear in the dishwasher?" I said sarcastically.

"I was already doing it. I hate it when you tell me to do things that I'm already doing. I was trying not to get into trouble and walk away as I know you're having a bad day. Stop accusing me that I didn't help around." I figured since I put my right foot in, I might as well go all out.

"You always say I don't take action without you telling me to, but I also don't see you praising me when I do things without you asking me first. Where's the recognition that I deserve? Or do you only focus on the negatives?" I let everything out of my chest that I have been holding in for years.

"Baby..." Mum tried to take a step closer to me but I took a step back.

"Don't baby me. Yes, I know it's tough taking care of the house when you're tired and you need help around but when I am already doing it, don't repeat it. It's demoralising."

"I'm sorry."

"Whatever, I'm going back to my room."

Written on 16 Jul 2022
Posted on 6 Oct 2022

Inspired by my life. That's probably why I can't remember things, I just chose to one ear in and one ear out. Words just float over my brain. 

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