After Covid S.J

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I have no idea if this count as social anxiety or just shyness. So, I'm sorry if I got it incorrectly. Feel free to correct me.

Scarlett POV
Back to normal would never be the same again, especially for Y/N. She has social anxiety and has a hard time talking to people. Even through online school, it was really hard for her to participate and I would have to sit next to her and encourage her to answer questions or to her group mates. I know for sure she has the right answer as she mumbled them when on mute. I even encouraged her to say the answer to the class as the answer was correct but she would shake her head furiously.

Now that everyone is allowed back in class, I'm only afraid that she would speak even less. After not having human interaction for such a long time, she no longer has the tiny confidence she built up over the years.

I decided to bring her out today to warm up before going to the actual event in school next week. "Come on sweetie, let's go out today." Y/N looked at me with horror. I would think she'd rather watch the scariest horror movie than to go out.

She shook her head and stood up to walk back to her room. "Ah ah ah." I stood in front of her, blocking her path. "I know it's hard, but we gotta try Y/N." But she kept shaking her head.

"Come on... wear your shoes." She whined as I brought her to the door. Y/N has a kind heart, she can never say no fully to anyone. Once you set her in motion, she would be able to continue. We put our shoes on and we drove out to the nearest mall.

"Are you ready?" I questioned her while sitting in the back row with her, trying to assure her that I would stay with her all the time. I placed a hand on her bouncing leg and she took a deep breath before calming down. It took a few minutes of coaxing for her to get out of the car. "I know you can do it."

Y/N had her arm linked around mine as we walked through the mall. Her eyes trained on the floor or waist down when we walked past the job or browsing through the store. "You're doing great, Y/N. Should we go for lunch?"

Y/N's eyes looked at me knowing what I was going to ask of her next but she was unable to hide the grumbling of her stomach.

"Let's go. You're hungry. I'm not going to let my girl starve." I took her hand and pulled her to the restaurant I picked out earlier in my mind.

"Wait..." Y/N spoke softly. I almost didn't hear her over the soft classical music playing in the background. She was trying to take deep breaths when I looked back at her.

"Ready?" I asked after giving her some time to gain her strength. She nodded and we proceeded to the restaurant.

Once we got seated, we were served the menus and drinks. I chose a restaurant because there would be fewer people around. I wouldn't want to scare her away thinking she couldn't do it. I want to introduce her back to interacting with people slowly until she gets more comfortable with it.

"May I take your orders?" The waitress came over with a notebook and pen looking between the both of us.

I smiled at Y/N encouraging her to go for it. "C-can I have... this?" She pointed towards one of the items in the menu. The waitress looked at me expectantly waiting for me to give her my order but Y/N continued for me. "And..." She continued, gaining her attention. "She would have this." Y/N pointed toward the item I told her earlier.

"Would that be all?" The waitress asked. Y/N nodded and she collected the menu before leaving. The entire conversation was done with Y/N looking down on the menu and never looking at the waitress, probably only her shoes.

"See, it wasn't that bad." I took her hands in mine and praised her for her efforts.

The food came and we ate before going back home. Y/N was noticeably more relaxed, plopping down on the couch and using her phone. Suddenly, she looked like she remembered something before running up to her room.

I followed Y/N to her room and saw her sitting in front of her canvas and preparing the paints for her new art. She would paint as if she was possessed. Painting always gave her a peace of mind and she would paint the whole day if no one came to call her out. I smiled and closed the door behind me.

>time skip<

I was waiting for Y/N to get ready for school but she wasn't coming down from her room. I knew she was up as we ate breakfast before she went up to change again but it was taking her some time. Not wanting her to be late on the first day of school, I went up to look for her. "Y/N?" I knocked on her door before entering. "Are you ready?"

Y/N sat at the edge of her bed all changed, bag by the side and ready to go but she wasn't moving. She was playing with her fidget ring on her index finger. "Sweetie... I know you're nervous." I held her hand and she looked at me. "At least try and get through the day without talking? For me?"

I tried negotiating with Y/N and I know that once she gets to school, she would do better. She just needs some encouragement.

"Okay..." She took her bag with a sigh and I drove her to school.

"I hope you have a nice day sweetie. I'll come and pick you up okay?" I said as I dropped her off. She nodded before heading into school with her head down.

>time skip<

When it was time to pick Y/N up from school, I parked my car slightly further down the road but you'd still be able to see from the gate. Students started streaming out of the school but Y/N was still not to be seen.

Neither the school nor Y/N called me so nothing bad should be happening but I can't help but be worried. I was just about to get out of the car and walked into her school when I saw her looking about near the gate. I pressed the horn a little to let her know where I was and she began walking in my direction.

She let out a huge sigh as she got into the car. "I'm guessing that sigh has something to do with why you came out late."

She took a deep breath before saying. "The teacher just told me that she's putting my essay on the school's website."

"That's great sweetie!" I gave her a hug. "Should we go get ice cream?" She looked at me and I immediately knew what she's thinking. "It's alright, I'll order this time. It's your reward for doing so well."

"Thank you mama." She said softly.

"Alright! Let's go!"

Written on 5 Feb 2022
Posted on 4 Aug 2022

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