Scared pt2 N.R

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Your POV
It was getting frustrating as I was not making much progress after a few weeks of lessons. Nat kept encouraging me but I felt like I was letting her down by not showing any improvements. She made herself comfortable in my office though, she was always there earlier than me, bringing in her work and using my desk as hers.

It was nice having Nat in my office, it makes the time pass a lot faster but it can be distracting at times. There were times when I wanted to take a break and relax, forget about my work but she's sitting right in front of me and I couldn't slack off. I'm not as workaholic as people think I am, I just know when to act like I'm working so people don't disturb me.

"Do you want to head out for lunch? Maria told me the cafeteria's food kinda sucks today." Nat suggested.

"Yeah sure." I immediately agree, anything to get out of the office right now. I've been clicking on random keys to make it seem like I was working when in fact my brain was sleeping.

We went for some McDonalds because I wasn't in the mood to be reading the menu or having some fancy food. We paid by Dutch and Nat was forever in her teaching mode, still asking me to read a few words here and there.

"Nat, I need a break from reading. I'm getting really tired from reading." I grumbled resting my head on my fist.

"Alright, let's have a break today. I'm going to the washroom before we head back." She said and I let out a sigh of relief.

I sat there with my eyes closed waiting for Nat to get back before we head back to SHIELD but she's taking a while to get back. Surely there weren't that many people in the washroom. Either way I waited a bit longer, grateful for the shut eye moment, perhaps there were lots of ladies occupying the cubical.

10 more minutes passed and I was starting to question if she left me here because I didn't want to read. I tried calling her phone but she declined the call. Thinking it was better if I gave the washroom a check but she wasn't there. I rushed out of McDonald scanning the crowd for her. I jumped up and down trying to see better but to no avail.

The car we came with was still parked where it was so where could she have gone? The key is with me so I'm able to head back but what about her?

Just when I was about to unlock the door, I heard a ping on my phone. Fuck, who the hell is messaging me? How am I going to read?

I placed my phone in between my palms and prayed. "Please, just let me be able to decipher what's on there." I slowly moved my hands away to read the text.

12 Street... Phillips... Green...

She's somewhere near here right? She's without one, or did she hijack one? I quickly unlocked the car and drove to the nearest 12 Street here with Phillip in it, looking for a green building. Once I got to the street, I hit the honk a few times hoping she could hear it from wherever she was. I walked further down the street shouting her name hoping to hear some sort of a reply.

"Natasha!!! Are you here?" I shouted, somehow the street was empty because no one was complaining that I was making a lot of noise. Suddenly I heard the sound of furniture breaking and ran towards it.

I started knocking on the door and shouted for Nat to give me a signal if she was inside. My head turned when a sound came from the garage next door and I rushed to it. "Nat! Are you in there?" I banged on the door.

"Y/N!" Even though it was only one word, I could hear her struggling to get the word out. I immediately tried knocking the door down with my shoulder and it finally came off after a few tries.

I located Natasha being pinned to a wall and I ran next to her. "Are you okay? Why did you leave without telling me?"

She looked at me with her eyes wide open and I looked at her confused why she wasn't replying. "Y/N..." She began to support my weight as I felt myself dropping to the floor. "Why did you do it?" I didn't understand what she meant until I felt a pain in my back. What just happened?

Natasha POV
I shouted for Y/N when I heard her voice close trying to hold back the man in front of me trying to stab me with a screwdriver. She burst the door open and the man was surprised that someone managed to find us.

Y/N stepped in front of me just as the man tried to stab me. She didn't register it and continued asking me questions. Her legs started to give way and I held her under her arms as I slowly guided her to the ground.

I wanted to check on Y/N's wound first but the man found another weapon and was aiming at me. I quickly swiped at his leg, making him fall and drop his weapon. Before he even had a chance to recover, I placed his hands on his back and pinned him to the ground. "How dare you stab her? You're going to wish you never existed." I knocked him out from the back and quickly went back to check on Y/N.

Thankfully, she still has her consciousness but she has lost a lot of blood. "Stay awake Y/N, I'm calling the ambulance." I pulled out my phone and punched in the numbers putting in speakers so I could slow the blood pouring out. "Keep your eyes on me Y/N." I kept repeating as my hands were soaked with her blood.

It felt like it took a long time for the ambulance to come but they actually only took 8 minutes. When Y/N safely made it to the hospital, I called the team to let them know where she was.

"How is she?" Clint asked.

I shook my head. "I haven't heard anything ever since she entered the operating room."

"She'll be fine. She's strong." Clint reassured me.

"I shouldn't have left without telling her."

Finally, close to an hour later, the doctor came out telling us that the surgery went well and Y/N would wake up soon. We watched as the nurses wheeled Y/N to a room and set up all the machines.

"I'm sorry Y/N. If only I told you instead of acting on my own, you wouldn't have landed in this position."

"It's okay..." I heard her voice and I looked up at her. "At least you're alright now."

"Y/N... I'm so sorry." I kept apologising.

She smiled at me. "If you're really sorry, you'll let me rest from reading."

"Of course." I immediately agreed. This is a small thing to accept, she literally got stabbed because of me.

"One month."

"What? I was thinking more like two weeks."

She pouted and pulled the puppy eyes on me. "I got stabbed."

"Alright, one month it is." I gave in.

"Yay!!" She cheered like a child and I chuckled at how easy it was to make her happy.

Written on 28 Aug 2022
Posted on 30 Oct 2022

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