Bullied S.J

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Your POV
I was minding my own business in front of my locker, taking out the books needed for the next class when I heard the sound coming closer to me. My heart beat rose and my eyes darted around even though I was still facing my locker.

I closed my locker and continued to face it, hoping I was able to blend into the surroundings like a ninja and they wouldn't notice me, but of course they did.

Without any warning, I felt my head slammed into my locker, creating a dent. I could only turn and follow their laughter hoping they wouldn't continue any further. As long as I continue to pretend that everything's fine. It will pass.

"I'll meet you in class. Don't think you can get away from me." He tapped my cheeks before leaving. His friends gave me one more shove before walking away. I turned to face my locker, there was a dent where my height was. I opened the locker pushing the dent out, hoping to smoothen the locker door. It would never return to its original state but at least it looks better.

"All better."


It was time for recess but I stayed in the classroom or walked around. In the beginning, I continued to the canteen for food but they would only topple my tray and all the food would splatter on the floor. Not only do I have to clean up the mess, I have to endure the looks of people looking at me. To save myself from the embarrassment, I stopped heading to the canteen.

I just needed to eat a big breakfast and dinner. Skipping one meal isn't a problem. I refused to stay in the toilet to eat.

"Look, it's Scarlett Johansson's daughter again." I heard someone say from behind my back. That's another thing. I'm never called by my name, it's always Scarlett Johansson's daughter or the actress's daughter. I have a name, guys.

I never told my mum what was happening in school. I didn't want to cause trouble and she already has a lot on her plate. If I told my mum, surely she would make a scene and I didn't want any more attention. I didn't want to add to her stress when I'm leaving this school in a year. It wasn't necessary


We were heading back to class when the bell rang and I was face to face with my bully again. Just my luck. I thought I could head into the classroom in peace for once and how wrong I was. Deadly wrong.

Without any notice, he punched my gut causing me to curl and black out. I couldn't see anything but I knew I was on my knees, holding onto the wall for support. I waved my hand blindly in front of me, stopping him from hitting me any further.

"Stop acting." He said.

"Stop it, please." I begged. I was wheezing in pain. It was hard to get every word out. The pain was unlike anything I felt before. Finally, I was unable to hold it in anymore and I passed out.

Scarlett POV
I got a call from Y/N's school that she fainted. I got a half day leave from the director and producer before leaving for her school.

Everyone was staring when I arrived but I ignored them and headed straight to the principal's office to look for her. They brought me to the infirmary where she was still unconscious.

"A word with you Ms Johansson." The principal said and we stepped out of the room. I looked at him angrily, not satisfied that my child has landed in such a condition in school, a place where students learn.

"It has come to our attention that your daughter has been bullied. We have students' testimonies regarding this situation." The principal shared.

"How long has this been going on?"

"From our understanding... a few months."

"A few months?!" I was shocked. I absolutely couldn't believe that I didn't see any sign of it. She was always smiling when she got home but when I think about it, I hardly saw her once she walked past the living room.

I went back in and saw that Y/N had already woken up and was sitting upright. "Hi mum." She gave the smile that I see everyday when she walks in. How is she plastering the smile on her face even after suffering all these?

"Are you feeling alright now?" I sat next to her and rubbed her arm soothingly.

"Yeah. Now I can say I've been hit before." She joked. She can even make something fun out of it.

"Honey..." I sighed to let her know I was serious. "This is not your first time getting hit, am I right?" I directed my hand to her forehead which she didn't manage to hide this time. "You don't have to be so strong for me. It's my job to take care of you."

A tear slipped from her iron grasp and her bottom lip quivers. I know she never like to cry because she thinks it's weak, part of the reason why she always puts a smile on her face.

More tears started to pool her eyes and no matter how much she tried to sniff them back, it started flowing.

"Mum... everyone... hates me..." She spoke through her sobbing. I gave her a hug and calmed her down because that's all I can do for her now.

"I'm going to take you out. I'm going to homeschool you."

It hurts to see my baby break down in front of me. She has always been the light in the family, always sees the positive in things and tries to see the good in people no matter how bad they are. She always tries to find excuses for them, that they have reasons for doing so. Some people just don't deserve her kindness.

Y/N cried until she fell asleep on my shoulders. I kissed her temples before carrying her back to my car. Most students were in class so it was a lot more quiet and peaceful on the way back.

She always tells me she likes to sleep because during that moment, her mind would be blank and she can finally relax.

"Mum?" She said when we were at home and I placed her on the bed.

"Yes, it's me. Is it hurting anywhere?" I asked because I know she got punched pretty badly.

She took a while to think before replying. "Just a bit when I breathe in too much. But the pain makes me feel alive, you know?"

"You make me feel alive."

We laid together in bed until it was time to get ready for the next day. The next set of challenges.

Written on 26 Dec 2021
Posted on 2 Jul 2022

Based on a real case of a celebrity child I read but I may have changed the outcome. 

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