Resignation letter S.J

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Your POV
I am tired of my work, my co-workers treating me like a piece of shit, ordering me around like nobody's business. Jobs are assigned to us by our managers but lately, it seems that they have been pushing their jobs off to me but submitting them in their names.

But that's not the end of it. There are always things to follow up on and maybe things that are not on par with the manager's expectations, so when they ask why things are done this way and we need to have further work done to provide assurance, my co-workers always say they will add to it but I'll be the one doing it.

I got sick and tired of such a working culture and decided to quit. I even wrote my resignation letter and was ready to give it to my manager the next day until I received news I didn't dare to think.

"Okay..." I replied shakily. "When will the funeral be?" I asked my aunty, she was taking care of my mother since she would be able to take better care of her than me who has to work. Sometimes after work and during the weekend, I would visit her. "Thursday? That fast? Okay. I'll take leave from my work, don't worry."

I looked at the resignation letter that was in my hand and threw it in the bin near me. This is no time to quit. I have to stay strong. My father, my younger brother-

A knock on the door caught my attention and I spun around in my chair to see Scarlett standing by the door. "You got the news as well?" She nodded her head and came next to me, leaning against the side of my table.

"I didn't get a call like you did. But I got a message." She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I will call the office and apply for leave for you. Why don't you change and get ready? I'm sure your aunt and dad would love to see you."

"Thank you." I gave her a kiss before heading to my wardrobe. Just as I closed the door, I could hear her punching in the numbers and speaking into the phone. I didn't stay long enough to hear a full conversation but I was thankful that she was by my side.

"You're packing a bag to stay with them for a few days?" Scarlett saw I was stuffing a few clothes into my backpack. I stopped in my tracks, I didn't actually think this through, my hands just moved without thinking. I didn't even ask Scarlett if she was okay with it.

"I was thinking about staying with them until the end of the funeral."

"That's a nice idea. Spend some family time together."

Scarlett POV
Some say you get to see more from a different perspective. I could tell Y/N was stressed with each passing day but she says she's fine and refuses to tell me anything. I thought after spending time with her family, she would be better but it only seemed to get worse.

We all gathered after the funeral and I spent some time talking to Y/N's brother. It confirmed my suspicions that she was putting too much on herself, trying to help when she already has a lot on her plate. As the eldest, she tends to carry everything on her shoulders.

I was cleaning the house yesterday and I noticed the letter in her bin when I was dumping it out. It wasn't covered up or anything so I noticed it pretty easily. She was planning on resigning, it was dated one day before her mother died. But why did she not send it to her company? Why is it in the bin?

I kept it at a different spot, hoping to be able to speak to her about it later.

"She's not letting herself think about it. She always does this. I don't think I've seen her teardrop yet. Either that or she didn't allow us to see it." Her brother said.

"Thanks for taking care of her the past few days." We said our goodbyes before going back to our home.

During our drive back, it was silent all the way other than the radio that was playing in the background. I offered to put her bag in the backseat but she just hugged it tighter. We didn't speak much that day and she went straight to work the next day.

I was concerned for her. It was not healthy keeping it all in. I even noticed that she kept her security stuffy aside. That's when I knew this was serious. No matter how many times I told her that it was hindering me when I was cuddling to her, she refused to put it aside. Even when we were still friends, she was hugging it when she first broke up with her girlfriend. For her to put it aside was a serious problem.

"Babe, sit down." I dragged Y/N to sit by the edge of the bed after she was done showering. She looked at me like I was doing something weird and I could tell by her eyes that she was scared. "Nothing is wrong babe, I just want to know what's happening in your mind."

"Nothing." She shook her head. I sighed and let her know what I found. If I don't present her with the evidence, she's never going to break down the wall.

"It was just a reckless move, I did it in a heat of anger. I don't feel like resigning anymore. Besides, did you not wish for the stuffy to be gone?" She flipped the question at me.

"Babe, you know most of the time I'm joking. If you feel safe with it, I'm not going to take it away."

"Well, anything else? I can always just take it out again." She made it seem as if the whole conversation was pointless and we were wasting time.

"Babe, listen to yourself." I didn't want her to walk away so I held her hands. "You're not giving yourself time to process all of this. You don't allow yourself to relax. You're always doing something before and even during the funeral. You went back to work immediately the next day and don't lie to me because I know you hate your work."

She groaned and rolled her eyes. "I don't what you want from me Scarlett. It's not affecting me as much as you think it is. Must I shed a tear for you to think I'm okay?"

I calmed myself down before speaking, not taking it to heart. I knew she was going to be defensive about it. "First of all, I'm just worried about you. Secondly, I would believe you more if your shoulders weren't that tense." Immediately, her shoulders dropped and she acted as I was seeing things.

"You don't have to put up a front with me. Or anyone else. You're allowed to break down, no one is going to be mad at you for that." Her throat started trembling and I knew she needed a bit more push for the wall to crumble.

"And don't even get me started with that work of yours? It's way too demanding and your co-workers are not even nice. They don't appreciate you, they don't deserve you. The amount of work you're doing deserves more. You're more than capable enough to get a better paying job and people want you. You don't have to be afraid."

I watched as she dropped her head and walked out of the room. I sighed fearing I may have pushed her too far and made everything worse. Wanting to give her some space, I went to change into my night clothes and got ready for bed when Y/N came in again. This time with her stuffy.

She stuffed her face in it and walked over to her side of the bed while I smiled at her even though she couldn't see it.

"I didn't get to say I love her enough. All she received were my complaints but I really really love her. There's so much I didn't get to say to her."

"I know you do. And I'm sure she knows too. She'll be so proud of you." I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"And about my job. I hate lounging around so I'll wait until I get an offer from somewhere before quitting." I hummed following along. We stayed in the same position for a while and she didn't say anything so I thought she fell asleep. "Thank you too, Scarlett. For bringing me back."

I kissed the top of her head. "Anytime, babe."

Written on 19 May 2022
Posted on 18 Sept 2022

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