I am useless? S.J

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I kinda need idea for part 2 if you guys want them for the previous one shot 'looking back'.

Mum was finally married after seeing someone and being a single mum for so long. I was really happy for her when she told me she was dating someone. I've never seen her so happy and excited for the next day ever since Rose was born.

"Y/N!!!" Rose screamed my name when she saw me waiting for her in front of her school. She waved goodbye to her friends before running to me as I waited next to my car.

"Hi Rose." I bent down and took her bag from her.

"You're here to pick me up again." She said excitedly as I opened the door for her.

"I said I would, didn't I?" I made sure she was buckled in before driving off.


I went to pick Rose up from school again today and she hopped into the back row of the car waiting for me to drive off. "Why are there so many bags here?"

"Mum asked me to go get groceries." I replied, putting on the radio and listening to whatever was playing.

"Now, off you go to do your homework. When you're done, we can play later." I gently nudged her towards her room and she screamed excitedly before making her way there. I chuckled at her bubbliness and how carefree she is before putting the groceries in the kitchen and pantry. Children, so innocent and oblivious to the world.

Mum was out on a date with Colin so she said they would buy dinner back since she wasn't going to be back on time to cook.

I ended up falling asleep on the couch after finishing up school work. I don't know what Rose is doing in her room but since she wasn't making any noise. I left her alone, she would come and find me if she needed any help.

I woke up to mum shaking me frantically and I looked at her in shock. "Where's Rose?" Was the first thing she said.

"She's not in her room?" I said, sitting up straight slightly panicking. Mum would have checked everywhere before asking me.

"She's not otherwise why would I be asking you? Gosh, you're so useless. You can't even take care of Rose."

"Me? Useless?" I scoffed.

"All I asked of you was to take care of Rose and you can't even do a simple thing."

"I was the one who restocked the groceries so you could do your duties as a wife and as a mother. I was the one who washed the laundry so you spend time with your husband and play with your daughter. I'm the one who fetches Rose after school and sacrifices my time with friends. And you dare tell me I don't contribute to the family." I rambled on and raised my voice.

"I didn't ask you to do them."

"Just because I didn't say anything doesn't mean you can trample all over me." I grabbed my keys and went out looking for Rose. There was only one place she could be at this time.

"Rose!" I called for her when she was in sight.

"Y/N!" She ran towards me when she saw me at the park.

"Why did you come here without telling anyone?" I asked immediately. Thank goodness she wasn't hurt anywhere. She has to cross several roads to get to the park and if she got into an accident, I don't know how I am going to explain to Scarlett.

"Are you mad?" She asked apprehensively.

"No... but you have to explain to mummy."

"Mummy mad?" Rose asked, afraid. When Scarlett is mad, she's scary. As much as I would like to reassure her, I ignored her question and walked her home.

I stopped at the doorstep and bent down to Rose's level. "Are you going to explain to mummy why you left?" She nodded her head. "Alright, go in then." I unlocked the door for her and made sure she walked in and saw Scarlett in the kitchen before leaving.

--- Meanwhile in the house ---

Scarlett POV

"Rose! Where have you been?" I was worried about my child's sudden disappearance.

"I went to the park." She said timidly.

"Why didn't you tell Y/N?"

"Sis looked tired after working around the house so I didn't want to bother her."

Oh god, even Rose noticed her contributions to the house and I didn't. I even went as far as calling her useless. What kind of mother am I? No wonder she was angry at me, she had every right to. She didn't ask anything in return and I took her for granted. Wait, where is she? Why did Rose come in alone?

"Rose, where is Y/N?"

"I don't know? She didn't come in with me?" Rose looked around the house and she didn't spot you.

"It's alright, go find Colin and go to bed. I'll find Y/N."

Your POV
I drove to Lizzie's house and knocked on the door. Robbie opened the door and I greeted him. "Hi Robbie, do you mind if I crash here tonight?"

"Who is it, Robbie?" Lizzie shouted from inside the house.

"Just Y/N!" He replied. "Absolutely not, come on in. Do you want me to get Lizzie?" He asked kindly.

"No it's alright. I should be out here tomorrow morning." I replied, hoping that I added some emotion in my voice so I don't sound ungrateful. I walked straight to the guest room as I knew where it was. Along the way, I passed by Lizzie so I gave her a small nod before proceeding forward.

I sighed as I dropped to the bed. I just lashed out on my mother and honestly, it felt quite relieving. No need to rush through my homework, free to do whatever I want, hang out with my friends and most importantly, no house chores.

"Y/N... it's Lizzie. Can I come in?" Lizzie knocked on the door, waiting for my reply.

"Come in."

"How are you feeling?" Lizzie sat carefully on the edge of the bed.

"Honestly, better than the past few days."

"I take it you had a fight with Scarlett? She just called me."

"She said I was useless. So we'll see about that."

Written on 21 Jan 2022
Posted on 19 Jul 2022

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