Time with you pt2 N.R

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Back at the compound Nat began starting her workout not wanting to go back since being lazy wasn't her type.

After finishing her one hour workout, she went to the kitchen where Wanda was preparing her breakfast. "Hi Nat! Can you help me tell Y/N thank you for the jacket?"

Just then Steve came and butt in before she could say anything. "Y/N gave you a jacket? She gave me a book I was searching for."

"Yes, same! She got me those Jordan shoes I've been wanting to get myself." Sam came in and interrupted as well. Soon people started coming in and listing off what they received from Y/N.

"Why is she gifting?" Nat thought out loud.

"Perhaps she just felt like it?" Tony said as he grabbed a cup from the cupboard for his coffee. Nat found it suspicious along with how you were acting when you left with your brother. You acted as if you weren't going to see each other again.

"I... don't think so." She ran towards Tony's lab much to his dismay and began using his technology. "JARVIS, I want you to track where Y/N is."

"I am unable to track Miss Y/L/N. It appears she has her phone off." JARVIS replied.

"Shit!" It further confirmed for Nat that you didn't visit your uncle but nonetheless she decided to check. She called him through the phone and he said that there was no mention of visiting him but in order not to worry him, she just told him that they had a mini fight.

Knowing the only person who would know where you were, she decided to call C.J but his phone was off as well.  "She left."  Was the only conclusion that Nat could arrive at. But why would you leave? You seemed reluctant to leave but it doesn't seem like anyone was forcing you to do so.


C.J drove you to a hospital slightly further away from the compound. He quit his job and stayed with you. He would stay overnight with you but nothing he did would lift your mood. You were constantly thinking about Natasha, knowing that she probably knows you were not visiting your uncle. Probably shouldn't have left so many clues behind.

How could you be blamed when that was probably the last time you were going to meet? You wanted to give them something as thanks for being your friend and family.

You still missed Natasha dearly and everyday C.J has to remind you of your plan of avoiding her or you'd have gone running back to her. Each time it breaks his heart having to calm you down after crying.

You were getting weaker everyday and all the crying isn't doing much good for your body too.

Natasha POV
Ever since Y/N left, I haven't been sleeping properly. I have absolutely no idea why she left without telling me. I didn't notice anything wrong in our relationship for her to have left this abruptly. She didn't have to lie about it.

I was drinking in the kitchen in the middle of the night because I was unable to sleep without Y/N. Wanda came in and that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

When I came to, I was lying on my bed and Wanda was bringing in food. I held my head as I sat up as I could feel the pounding effect on my head. "What happened to me?"

"I made you sleep. You haven't been getting more than 2 hours of sleep each day. That can't be good." Wanda said as she placed the tray down on the table next to my bed. "Made you breakfast."

I hummed and ignored the rest of the food on the tray and went straight to the coffee. "Any leads on Y/N?" Wanda shook her head sadly. We know that Y/N hasn't left the U.S. as her passport is still with us and I don't think she would leave the country illegally.

"Where do you think she could be Wanda? I think I'm losing myself without her."

"I'm sure we will find her soon." She took the sandwich and passed it to me, not letting me skip breakfast at all.

"Miss Romanoff, Miss Maximoff, Miss Y/L/N brother is at the entrance of the compound." Hearing that I immediately jumped off the bed and rushed out of my room. I saw a few members of the team running, surely hearing the information given my FRIDAY.

"C.J? Where is Y/N? Please tell me you know where she is." I blurted out when I saw him. He gave me a sad look that made me panic even more.

He sighed heavily before saying. "She told me not to tell you. But she's in the hospital... for pancreatic cancer." The team collectively gasped at the information presented to us. "I just couldn't stand Y/N being devastated anymore so I came to tell you. She's at (hospital name)."

Your POV
I was watching Lucifer on Netflix when the door opened. I thought it was going to be C.J coming back from buying lunch but I was surprised to see a bunch of people standing by the door. More specifically my girlfriend.

"C.J caved huh." I said when I saw them walking in with him behind.

"Baby... why didn't you want to tell us?" Nat asked softly as she took the seat closest to me.

"What's the point? Nothing is going to change."

"I could be here to support you. We could be here to support you. You don't have to do this alone." I shook my head not really processing her words. "Baby-"

"Miss Y/L/N- Woah, it seems like you have a lot of friends here today... wait, the Avengers? I'll just come back and talk to you later." The doctor, Dr Charlie, was shocked that the entire team was in my room, bowed slightly and left.

"Y/N, we missed you a lot. The team just doesn't feel right without you. You mean a lot to us." Steve said when Dr Charlie left.

"Your presence is the best gift to us." Wanda added.

They tried encouraging me but I was getting irritated listening to them. Why can't they understand that it would be better if I leave. They wouldn't have extra burden to take care of.

Dr Charlie came back again after doing his rounds and everyone left except Nat to give him some space.

"I still have the slot booked for you for the surgery next week. It's better if we do this soon to prevent the spread of cancer cells. Once we remove the majority of it, we can proceed for chemotherapy."

"I'm not interested." I said after Dr Charlie laid out the plans of the future for me.

"Y/N!" Nat scolded.


"NO! I know somewhere deep down you want this. You would have broken up with me if you really wanted to end things but you chose to leave silently. You know you can get better, that's why you're in a hospital. I just don't understand why you're being so stubborn by not taking the treatment."

Dr Charlie looked between both of us and remained silent to give us a bit of time to argue between ourselves.

"Baby please... just take it. I can't live without you. It's tough living without you. There's no need to hide anymore. I will be with you every step of the way." I sighed nodding.

"Perfect. The nurse will come in later with the medicines to get your body ready for the surgery later." Dr Charlie said immediately, almost afraid that I would change my mind.

"I'm never letting you out of my side ever again." Nat said half jokingly. "Who knows where you would run off to again."

"You better tie me up then."

Written on 10 Aug 2022
Posted on 12 Aug 2022

Uni is starting soon so I won't be able to write as much but posting will still continue as per normal until I run out of drafts. :)

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