Scared pt3 N.R

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Your POV
Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!

I don't know how it happened but we're getting married. Nat proposed to me and I said yes and now we're engaged.

The days passed very quickly when I'm with her and sometimes I wished it would slow down. She literally leads everything in this relationship and I'm just following along. She was the one who asked me to be her girlfriend, brought me out on the first date, and told me to move in with her. I just hope one day I'll be able to do something big enough for her.

"Hey Y/N! Are you listening? Oh my god, I should have known your mind would drift off." Maria waved her hands in front of me to catch my attention. "You need to pay attention Y/N. Nat will kill me if I mess this up. Blue or red?" Maria was in charge of preparing the invitation as Nat had given her a list of guests.

"Red with gold wordings." I decided.

"Great, if she's angry, it's on you."

"It's on you for making me decide." She chuckled before I drifted off in my own mind again.

There was something special that Nat wanted us to do when we were at the altar. She wanted me to read her vows, while she read mine. I could give her an essay to read but I didn't want her to stand there for so long during our wedding.

"I recognise that sigh, what are you stressed about?" Maria asked.

"Nat wants me to read her vows..."

"Ohh..." She breathed, understanding what I meant.

"Maybe you can help me steal her vows? Then perhaps I can memorise it before the wedding?"

"Are you crazy? Do you think Nat's the type that writes her vows down and leaves it on the table for people to take? She probably has a freaking safe for it." Maria expressed. I'd say she's exaggerating it but somehow I have a feeling that she actually has such a thing.

"Stop daydreaming and go back to your fiancé before she comes and scold me for keeping you behind." Maria shooed me off from her desk and I reluctantly dragged my feet away and went back to the tower.

I could have asked Nat to pick me up but she was busy with the preparation of the wedding and I didn't want to disturb her. When I got back, the entire team was sitting in the living room except for Nat.

"She's in your guy's room." Clint said when he saw I was looking around.

I thanked him before heading up, smiling a bit when I saw she passed out on the bed with the plans in front of her. I trust her to make the right decisions concerning the both of us. Carefully, I cleared the pamphlets that spread across the bed and pulled the sheet up to Nat's shoulders. "Sweet dreams babe. Love you."


It was finally the day of the wedding and I was freaking out. Not because I was about to be married to the love of my life, okay maybe a bit, but I still haven't talked to Nat about reading. It's been slightly over a year since Nat started helping me read. Sure, I've improved slightly but I'm still not able to read confidently.

"Why the sigh, Y/N?" Wanda asked me.

"It's about her reading." Maria helped me to reply. Ever since I started appearing at the compound more often, it got harder to hide the fact that I couldn't read and they ended up finding out about it. Tony was surprised that I was hiding it from him as we needed to read quite a bit for our technologies.

"Read with your heart, not your mind. I'm sure you can do it." Wanda encouraged. I gave her a quick smile before furrowing my eyebrow again.

"Alright, no more of that, you're going to ruin your makeup." Maria scolded jokingly.

Finally, it was time to walk down the aisle and I saw Nat standing there looking fabulous. I turned to my left and saw Maria. I chose Maria as she was the first person I became friends with in SHIELD. "You'll be okay." She whispered to me before we began walking.

(I don't really remember what happens in a wedding so let's skip to the vows.)

Nat had finished reading the vows I wrote for her and she did it splendidly. Everyone's clap died down and I knew it was my turn to read. Shakily, I raised the paper in my hand and took the microphone from Nat.

I cleared my throat before speaking into the mic. "I don't know how much I can read, but I'm just going to try my best." I glanced at Nat a split second and she gave me a small smile before stepping closer to me, placing a hand on my back.

"I promise to love you... unconditionally... through every ups and downs. Laugh with you when you're happy. Support you when you're sad. Guide you when you ask for... directions. Cha...llenge you to be a better person and allow you to do the same for me. I am your biggest fan and your ever present listening audience." I took a deep breath as I completed one paragraph. One down, one more to go.

I continued on reading the second paragraph and when I stopped for longer than usual as I was stuck on certain words, Nat would whisper it in my ear and I would continue with it. " I love you and I wouldn't want to call anyone else my wife."

I ended the speech and everyone gave a round of applause as well. "You did great babe." Nat made me turn and face her, giving me a passionate kiss. The applause became louder as cheers entered the party.

"I can't wait to wake up next to my wife." Nat said as she pulled apart.

"Wife, I could get used to that."

Written on 30 Aug 2022
Posted on 1 Nov 2022

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