Moonlight pt2 N.R

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Your POV
Things were going great with Natasha. She was understanding about the hindrance of not being able to go out at night and made it up with spending the time outside in the morning or afternoon and just relaxing in the compound at night.

After a few dates with Natasha, she asked me to be my girlfriend and I said yes.

The team figured out about our relationship when they started realising that we started heading out more together, as compared to the usual preference of staying in the compound.

I tried introducing Natasha into joining me playing Call of Duty during our nights in and we can go up to 3 hours or more playing on the console. Sometimes I would be playing while Natasha was working on her reports.


The dates I have been on with Natasha have been great. After learning about my interest in arcades, she made it her mission to bring me to different arcades around and find those that have unique games.

There was one machine that was really fascinating. It has cuffs that wrap around your wrists and ankles so it was able to detect movement and transfer it to the game. Most people use their all when playing but the trick was to use minimal movement because speed was not incorporated in the game. It's the same as playing on the console. Pressing it hard isn't going to make your player hit harder.

It was actually Maria who found the arcade and told Nat to bring me there. So that's where we are now. Maria decided to join us on this trip but told us she'll leave us alone for the date, she was just here to release some pent up energy at some racing game.

Someone was using the machine and we waited for our turn. It was a player vs player game so Nat took the other seat when it was our turn. Of course, Nat won the first match and I grumbled because she was good at everything. She always masters things really easily. We left the seat to queue again since there was a line waiting.

While waiting, Nat went to get us some drinks and snacks from the counter. Each round lasted about 7 minutes so there was still some time before it was our turn again.

Finally after waiting, we were finally the next people in line.

"Get out of the way. This is my spot." Someone pushed me aside and took the seat that I was going to sit on, causing the drinks on my hand to spill on the floor.

People around started murmuring, recognising the guy that was obnoxious. "Isn't that Lucas?" // "He's the number one on the game."

Without caring about the commotion, he swiped his card and started the game choosing the character he was famous for. Nat noticed I was standing instead of playing against her and stood up to check things out.

"Hey! It's not your turn. So why don't you queue up like the rest over there?" Nat dragged the guy out of his seat and dropped him to the floor.

He chuckled and stood up. "I don't think you get it. That seat over there is mine." Hearing this, Nat drew a punch and hit him in his jaw.

"And real life is mine." Nat glared at him until I pulled her away as we were gathering quite a crowd. I didn't want to cause trouble that I can avoid. I saw Maria standing amongst the crowd and plead for her to come and persuade Nat to get out of here. She didn't want to leave without putting him in his place and gave him one last kick in his shin before leaving.

"Why did you pull me out? He's a dick for doing that to you." Nat huffed when we dragged her out of the arcade.

"I know. It's okay. We can come another time when he's not here." I tried calming Nat down. "Come on, let's eat. I'm hungry. Maria, you coming?" She nodded and we proceeded to some ramen shop for lunch.

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