Stomach grumbling S.J

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I barged into Scarlett's trailer after being done with my scene. She was the first to complete hers and everyone just felt it was right to gather at hers without consulting one another.

"Urgh... not you too..." Scarlett rolled her eyes as she saw another human entering her already crowded trailer.

"Shut up, I know you love me." I forcefully plant myself between Chris Evans and her.

"I do."

We were talking about our filming experience, bloopers and random things on the internet to pass time as some got up to leave for shoot again.

"Oh! I think my favourite has to be the one where Scarlett can't say the line in Winter Soldier."

"Ohh I remember that one. It took so long, I was begging Scarlett to get it right on each take." Said Chris, laughing by the side.

Suddenly, my stomach grumbled loudly and I quickly covered it with my arms. "You heard nothing."

Scarlett narrowed her eyes at me while Chris pushed me closer to her. I widened my eyes at him as he tried to sneak out of this with the excuse of filming. What bullshit, the surrounding was so quiet, we could hear a pin drop and there wasn't anyone calling for him.

"Y/N... did you eat?" Scarlett asked, she knows I like to push these things off to get extra time for shoot. There was once where I didn't eat breakfast and ended up getting gastric during shoot and ever since then, she made sure I ate before going anywhere.

"I did... I really did. It- it was just my stomach signifying the end of digestion." I quickly defended myself. I have no idea why my stomach decided to betray this at this moment.

Scarlett looked at me for a moment before relaxing her gaze. "I believe you."

I let out a sigh, I thought I had to go through one of her lectures today. "But since you just finished digesting... how about some snacks?" She pulled out some chips from the small table in front of us.

"I mean okay... just a couple I guess. I'm not hungry or anything, like I'm in a comfortable spot." I explained to her.

"Alright, I won't force you, I'm just gonna leave it open, take it if you like." Scarlett opened the bag of chips and ate a couple before putting it back. I took one slice to satisfy her before snuggling with her. It was only the two of us left so I dropped all my guard and became more childlike. I sighed as I relaxed into her arms and felt her nails against my arms.

I always felt I could be myself when I'm with her. She never forces me to do anything I don't like, listens to me, understands me best.

Written on 14 Dec 2021
Posted on 23 Jun 2022

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