Accident on set S.J

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Second POV
You were excited to work with Scarlett again on set. It was rare that you got to work with your girlfriend and spent time together especially since most of the time both were working on different projects. While it was nice to have her around, it was not all fun and games, things were more relaxing for sure - with Scarlett cheering you on and encouraging you, but when it came to work, everyone was focused, trying to give their all. You really loved the family you were working with.

"Babe..." Scarlett came to find you after finishing her scene which you were in next. You pouted at her and stretched your arms to hug her but were careful to not mess up your makeup. "You have to be careful." Scarlett whispered next to your ears, reminding you.

You were filming an action movie and the next scene you were shooting was fast paced. It was a scene where you were supposed to escape with your friends from Scarlett after being kidnapped. She was playing the antagonist in this show.
(I really want to see Scarlett playing a really bad guy.)

"I know..." You patted her back before taking your place in front of the camera and shooting a kind smile to your comrades. You have grown to be a lot closer to the people you're working with over the past month.

"And... action!" Once the clapperboard sounded, we were in the zone. Running away from the warehouse we were once held captive in. Gunshots can be heard and we reacted accordingly, dodging here and there making it more realistic.

Your getaway truck just arrived and you and your friend went to the back to get in the empty space behind. Who cares about ladies first at this point, it's everyone for themselves. Both of you placed your legs on the step before trying to get over the cover but the timing wasn't right. The driver had thought both of you were already in the car and drove off and you slipped when the car started moving.

"Y/N!" Scarlett came out of her character. Both you and your accomplice fell to the floor with a thud and all the crew rushed towards you, pulling you and the co-actor away from danger. Scarlett panicked when she saw you fall on your back from the truck and struggled to get back up.

You were heaving while being dragged away. "I'm fine. I'm fine." Your vision blacked out but you were still conscious, the pain, the voices, the dirt on the ground, you could feel everything. "H-how is he?" You were still worried about him.

"Y/N, he's fine. He landed half on top of you. You don't have to worry about him." Scarlett came to check on you. You weren't bleeding and there didn't seem to be any bone jutting out so it looked to be not a severe fall.

Slowly, you regained your vision and Scarlett's worried face came into sight. Looking around and taking in your surroundings, your co-actor was already sitting up and talking to everyone. The director was talking to him.

"Y/N, can you see me? Are you okay? You should go see a doctor." Scarlett started rambling when you didn't reply to her.

"I'm okay, I can see you. I'm okay. There's no need to see a doctor, I'm fine." You quickly reassure her and hold her back before she leaves to find a doctor. Placing both hands on the ground, you sat up slightly and Scarlett placed her hand behind your back to help you up.

She looked at you worriedly, silently pleading that you took a rest before continuing. But of course, you ignored it and said that you were alright to continue. The director and driver all came to you to apologize for the accident but you told them it was fine, and nobody wanted it to happen and it was no one's fault. During all this, Scarlett was still close to you holding your waist.

"You alright?" The co-star asked you as you took your position to take the scene again.

"Yup, you?"

"I'm good."


After filming was done for the day, everyone gave a round of applause before going to rest for the day. Despite the minor accident earlier, filming ended on time much due to the professionalism of the others.

You looked around for Scarlett and she was already looking at you. She walked towards you and gave you a light slap to your bicep, much to your surprise. "What was that for?" You rubbed your arm.

Scarlett didn't say anything and dragged you away. No matter how many times you asked where she was taking you, she didn't reply. It was already late and she didn't allow you to take any of your belongings and from the looks of her, neither did she, so where could she be taking you to?

"Ahh, Y/N. Scarlett over here told me about the accident earlier." The medical personnel on set spoke to you. Knowing it was Scarlett's idea and to give her a piece of mind, you sat in front of him without being asked. He looked quickly at Scarlett before examining me.

"You're likely going to be sore for the next few days, but other than that. You're alright." He took off his gloves and threw them in the bin as he spoke to me.

"Thank you, doc." You thanked the doctor before Scarlett whisked you away again.

"Scarlett, you gotta stop dragging me around without telling me where we're going." You whined as she brought you somewhere again. She turned back and glared at you before walking again. There were still people around the set as they were packing their equipment but most of the actors were in their rooms already.

"S-Scarlett." You crouched slightly and held your head.

She immediately turned around and held your elbow, supporting you. "Shit! Are you okay? Do you need the doctor?" You grinned at her response and stood up to kiss her cheek.

"I'm fine. I just wanted you to stop walking so fast."

"You can't do that! I really thought you were in pain."

"Sorry..." You held both her hands and swung left and right like a child. "Come on, let's go. I don't know where you were bringing me, but I just want to cuddle with you."

Scarlett just sighed and walked slowly with you, side by side. "You can't fall and not get it checked babe... I was really worried something happened to you." She confessed as you walked towards your shared room.

"I know... I'll get it checked first next time. As long as you're with me." Scarlett gave you a look knowing the loophole in the sentence. "... or without." You continued after.

"You better."

Written on 21 April 2022
Posted on 8 Sept 2022

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