The Truth Will Out

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After that night Kaitlin had been working non-stop with Sam and Bec on a way to expose Momo, it was clear that not telling them her theory was only going to make things harder on us both. The problem was that exposing Momo was the last thing on my mind, the events of that night kept repeating over and over in my head like needles pricking my brain.

"You alright there?" Kaitlin asked.

"I'm fine, just, I can't..." I stopped not knowing how to finish.

"Can't stop thinking about last night?" She asked smiling at me.

"Something like that," I said.

"Something like that or exactly that," Kaitlin said.

"Ok, ok, you got me," I said.

"Hey, you sure you're ready for this?" Sam asked.

"Well, it shouldn't be too hard," I said.

"But your job is to get info by getting close to Momo and with you and Kaitlin being a thing," Sam said concerned, Bec nodding in agreement.

"Um, Kaitlin was the one who suggested that I do that," I said.

"Why does that not surprise me?" Bec said sighing.

"I did it so that while she is gathering the information, we can work on our event for the end of term festal," Kaitlin said.

"Oh crap, I forgot about that, being a new club we have to come up with something super good so we can prove the worth of our club, or that's it, bye-bye club." Said Sam.

knock knock

"Come in," Kaitlin says.

The door swings open and Sammy walks in.

"What the... what the hell do you want?" Kaitlin said.

"Nothing, I'm just here to give a notice from the student council." Said Sammy holding a bunch of paper slips.

"So, do you work for them now?" I asked.

"I did say I wasn't joining the sports team." He said.

"What do they want?" Kaitlin asks snatching a notice from Sammy.

"Hey don't ju-" Sammy begins but is cut off.

"Shhhhh," Kaitlin said.

Kaitlin scans the paper for a moment as we all wait in awkward silence.

"Now that's interesting." She says finally breaking the silence.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It seems that this year's festival will be different, the clubs will have to make an event that is completed by collaboration with a second club," Kaitlin explains.

"So, is the student council teaming up with anyone?" Sam asked his brother.

"As it happens, no, for the festival we are tasked with making sure that the clubs don't kill each other when they have a difference of opinion." Said Sammy.

"When do we have to team up by?" I ask.

"Both clubs must agree and hand in their team by this Wednesday or you will not be participating in the event," Sammy said getting a bad look from the others.

"Hey I don't make the rules, I just enforce them." He said and left.

"The drama club, we'll have them put on a performance that we came up with," Kaitlin said.

"Will they agree?" Bec asked.

"They have no choice, we are the new club we have no rep, good or bad plus they're all into dramatic stuff and what could be more dramatic than a 50/50 chance of a play going well or the opposite," Kaitlin said.

"Literally anything," Sam said.

"Let's just go talk to them." Said Kaitlin and we leave.

Later before I set off on my mission to get info out of Momo, Kaitlin took me to a secluded spot, I thought she was going to talk but she pushed me against the wall and kissed me. We kissed for a few minutes and then she pulled away.

"That should keep me going, oh and when your done Sam and Bec will be at our house, so report back to me there," Kaitlin said as she ran off.

When I got to Momo's I hesitate to call it a house because it's more like a mansion I mean it might as well be, we walk in and go to her room that is decked out like a 5-star hotel room.

"Your family sure has money, I had almost forgotten," I said.

"Hey, I meant to ask, did it work?" Momo said smiling sweetly.

"Did what work?" I asked.

"The practice from the other day you know our little kissing session." Said Momo.

"Ehh" I said startled.

"You want to do it again so you can give Kaitlin the best kiss of her life," Momo said.

Kaitlin did tell me to get close to her. Here goes nothing.

"Do you think it will help?" I ask.

"Only one way to find out," Momo said.

She came closer to me and put her arms on my waist pulled me in and kissed me, I felt terrible doing this to Kaitlin, even though she asked me to do it, but it was still something that made me feel wrong.

"You don't seem to be enjoying it like last time," Momo said.

"Sorry, it's just there are lots going on at home," I lie, hoping she buys it.

"I hear that," Momo said laying down.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"My mother, she recently broke up with my dad, so now I have two of everything which would be great, but I didn't want two of everything, I never did," Momo said.

This is not working, I mean, I am getting info, just not the info I came for.

I move over to Momo and kiss her on the cheek, she smiles at me and then puts her hand on my cheek we both go in for a kiss. This time I was able to suppress my feelings of sadness. We kept kissing and soon Momo pulled me onto her bed this reminded me of the time when I tried to get answers out of Kaitlin. I couldn't stay the night so I would have to act fast, I kissed her and she did the same she then grabbed me by the leg and pulled until she was the one on top. She whispered in my ear.

"I enjoy this Chloe, I want to spend my life with you and I'll do anything for that." She said.

I... I don't believe it she did it but was it to get closer to me. That's what I need.

I push her off me say I'm sorry and leave the house as I run home the disbelief is still banging on in my head. Me, it was me the whole time, none of this makes sense. Kaitlin needed to know about this I bust in and find Kaitlin and her friends.

"This is bad she did it, but she did it because she is in love with me not Kaitlin," I said.

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