I stand outside the gym as Samantha talks to the rest of the team proposing Jenny's idea from yesterday to them as she talked to them I looked up at the sky and wondered about the kiss she gave me the other day. Samantha then came out five minutes later and gives me a thumbs up I call Jenny to give her the news.
"We're on," I said.
I follow Samantha as we walk to the bleachers to catch up with Jenny and Logan.
"Hey, why is Logan on the field?" Samantha said just as Logan makes an incredible goal.
"That's because he is part of the football team he is the strongest player on our left wing," I said as I sat next to Jenny.
"But he was in the library yesterday," Samantha said.
"He was studying for a super hard test," Jenny said as Samantha sat down next to me.
We all watch the practice for another 30 minutes before the coach called it and they all end the drills and then a very sweety Logan comes running up to us smiling.
"Hey guys," Logan said panting for breath.
"Do you always train until you are out of breath?" Samantha asked.
"Na but we got a game in about three months and the couch starts really pushing us whenever that happens so here we are going past our limits," Logan said as Jenny gave him a kiss.
"Do you know who you're playing?" I asked.
"Some hussy prep school anyway I'd best hit the showers," Logan said as made his way to the locker room.
"Well, shall we begin planning the party?" I said and the two of them nodded.
We went to the library to plan everything out for the party since none of us had many classes there was always one of us in the library working on some things for the party. We all meet up in the library after school and Jenny shows the final plan to Samantha, she looks over the plans for a few moments and then looks up.
"Good work this will be perfect" Samantha said lowering the plan.
"Grate now who's on what?" I said.
"What do you mean?" Samantha asked.
"We need to assign the tasks to us like food and drinks, decorations and music," Jenny said.
"Well it's my house so I'll do the decorations," Samantha said.
"I got food and drink," I said.
"Guess I'll do music," Jenny said.
Me and Samantha live closer to each other than the others so we walk home together.
"What is it?" Samantha asked.
"What's what?" I asked.
"I may not talk much but that means I have learnt to closely observe others and now after watching them for only a couple of days I can notice the smallest changes in people's personalities and if I am not mistaken you are feeling flustered and worried," Samantha said.
"Wow, your good," I said.
"Ya I'm pretty great so talk to me what's up?" Samantha asked.
"You, your what's up," I say.
"I'm sorry," Samantha said not knowing what I meant.
"That kiss the other day I mean really," Samantha said.
"Right that, sorry," Samantha said.
"Don't apologize I'm not angry just a little thrown off I guess," I said.
"Sooo what?" Samantha said.
"Wanna do it again?" I said stopping and with a weak smile.
I get no response for a moment and my smile fades and I close my eyes before I feel a hand on my face and soon after I feel lips meet mine as I open my eyes I see Samantha's face pressed against mine eyes closed as she kisses me.
"How was that?" Samantha said as she pulled away opening her eyes.
"Better than the last time but still out of the blue I wasn't expecting it," I said putting a hand over my lips.
"Sorry again," Samantha said.
"I told you not to apologise," I said.
"Forse of habit," Samantha said.
"Ok we are going to plan our next kiss alright," I said as I continued walking and Samatha follows.
"How?" Samantha said.
"Simple, after the congratulations party I will make it so I am the last to leave and then we kiss then after they have all gone sound like a plan?" I said.
"So wait does this mean we are together now?" Samantha asked.
"In a way," I said.
"Won't people say that it's not traditional?" Samantha said.
"Like they give a crap you would be surprised how many people in our school are gay and open about it," I said with a laugh.
We kept walking for another three-quarters of an hour before I have to turn off to my apartment I say good bey to Samantha and plug in my earplugs in and begin my play list.
THE NEXT DAY (11 Hours To Party)
I walk down the road that leads to my apartment and run into Samantha.
"Yo sup," I said waving at her.
She smiles and waves back without a word.
"So I forgot to ask the other day how happy did the team look now that their new captain is inviting them all to a party as the first order of business," I said.
"It wasn't my first" Samantha said.
"Oh ya what was your first?" I said.
"My first was asking the previous co-captains to be my advisers until I get the hang of being captain after that well I'll get to that when I get to it," Samantha said.
"Ok so how did the team react about the party," I said.
"They seemed to like the fact that I am the captain now they probably will be expecting more ideas like this" Samantha said.
"And who wouldn't, after all, it is a party," I said.
"So will you be there?" Samantha asked.
"The hero of your night will show up fashionably late as always but I'll be there with time to spare," I said with a knowing smile on my face.
"I'll hold you to that," Samantha said.
"Hey, I got the text from Jenny she has all the food and drinks all set up in my car Logan will be driving it over to yours two hours before the party so that you will have ample time to set it all up you cool with that?" I said before the class began.
"As long as he helps set it up," Samantha said.
"Oh trust me he will help I'll make sure of that," I said as class began.

You And Me GxG
RomantikGxG This a story about the love that develops very fast as Kaitlin falls in love with her new stepsister Chloe. Chloe has no interest in Kaitlin to start off with but soon gives in to her feelings. (My First Story Be Nice)