What Now

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Me and Kaitlin are on the bus and she's talking to Momo but the only thing on my mind is what Kaitlin said last night. Is all that true, I mean I don't think she was lying she didn't sound like she was lying.

"Hey, what are looking so down about?" Momo said.

"Um, nothing just lost in thought," I say.

"Well come over here and talk with us." Says Momo as she drags me over to them.

We keep talking on the way to school, but it's more like Momo is in-between two conversations with me and Kaitlin.

"Hey, you three you should go to the club room...something's happened," Sam says concerned.

We go to the club room and it looks like someone broke in, trashed the place and then, in blood-red paint wrote on the wall STAY AWAY FROM KAITLIN.

"What the hell, who would do this?" Yelled Kaitlin.

"I'll look into it, but the teachers have been making my job a lot harder," Momo says as she sets up her laptop.

"Didn't you say you kept tabs on all the students?" I asked.

"Only during school hours, anything after and it's out of our hands." Says Momo linking up some wires.

Me, Sam, and Kaitlin start straightening out the room and scrubbing the paint off the walls.

"Well, we missed homeroom, but at least the room looks somewhat normal now," Kaitlin said sitting in her chair.

"Should we notify a teacher?" I asked.

"It wouldn't work, these clubs are to teach us responsibility, meaning we have to take care of our own and settle disputes diplomatically, it's why I was able to stop Sammy from joining the club in the first place." Said Kaitlin.

"Do we have any suspects, you know someone you made enemies with?" I asked.

"Kaitlin's made enemies with everyone, suspects may be something we have to overlook." Said Sam with a smile.

In Math.

I am sitting next to Momo, but math is the last thing on my mind.

"Ok, something's up," Momo said.

I sigh and turn to her.

"You know Kaitlin's a lesbian right," I whispered.

"Everyone in the club does," Momo whispers back.

"Do you know why she has to keep it a secret from her mum?" I asked.

"Crap, she told you," Momo said.

"Yeah and now I'm trying to figure out what comes next," I say.

"Tell you what, come to my place after school today and I'll help you find out what you should do as your next move," Momo said smiling at me.

"Sure," I say.

"Oh, by the way, as to who trashed the club room, I could be wrong, but if my suspicion is right then whoever it was is trying to get back at me not Kaitlin," I say

"What do you mean?" Momo asked.

"Think about the wording, 'stay away from Kaitlin', it means that they want the people around her, or one person in particular, to make it easier for them to get close to her by removing things in the way," I said.

"You know, now that I think about it you're right," Said Momo.

"So, what do we do?" I asked.

"We'll inform the rest of the club at lunch sound like a plan," Momo said.

"Yeah," I replied.

"So, who's the suspect?" Momo asked.

"Sammy," I said as seriously as I could, not being 100% sure in my theory.

"Sammy, OK, he's mean but not psychotic." Momo.

"I never said he was," I said.

"Yes, but the colour of the paint and the style it was painted in doesn't say I'm right in the head," Momo said.

"Maybe you're right, but if we're not looking into suspects then we need to research all options," I said.

Momo put her hand on my shoulder.

"Lunchtime." She said.

I get to the club room later than normal as I needed some time to think, but before I open the door, I hear voices from inside.

"So, she doesn't know?" A voice that sounded like Kaitlin said.

"No, and we have to make sure that she doesn't. If she does it will blow the whole operation and then we're all fucked." Another said, which was Sam, no doubt about that.

"Bec is everything ready?" Asked Kaitlin's voice.

What's going on are they talking about me and some plan?

"You know when she finds out it may destroy this whole love thing you two are going through." Said Sam.

"Her feelings towards me won't change she's not that stupid." Said Kaitlin's voice.

She thinks my feelings won't change, then it's over. I get up and walk to the cafeteria to eat my lunch alone but bump into Momo on the way down.

"AHA Oh, you OK Chloe?" She said holding out her hand.

"Fine," I said and ran off.

After school, I went home with Momo without telling Kaitlin and made sure we left before Kaitlin could follow us. When we got to her house it was like a mansion.

"This is where you live?" I asked looking up at the towering structure that stood before me.

"Stop gawking and come on in," Momo said.

After going over all the suspects and finding nothing to convict then I fall back onto the carpet.

"Urrrrrr this is hopeless 2 hours and nothing," I say.

"Then let's take a break and talk about something new," Momo says.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Well, I would like to learn more about you and Kaitlin you two are...in love, right?" Momo said whispering the last part in my ear making me reel back.

"Don't do that," I said rubbing my ear as Momo laughed.

"So, spill it, have you two kissed yet?" Momo asked.

Momo may be in the plan from earlier.

"In a way, neither of us were really in full control," I said.

"Do you want to do it better, like in control?" Momo asked.

"That would be nice," I said.

"Then practice on me." Momo said.

"HUH," I said confused.

"Kiss me practice your kissing on me so that next time you can both enjoy yourselves as much as possible," Momo said

I looked down wondering if this was the right thing to do, Momo then put her hands on the bottom of my chin lifted my head, smiled and kissed me just like that. She wouldn't let me go pulling me in closer and kissing me harder.

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