I wait until the attention of the two guys returns to us and then wave my hand inviting them to come and sit.
"One more thing, if they want proof of anything, just act like you didn't expect what happens next," I say to Vicky.
"Same to you." She replies.
The guys sit down and a blonde tall boy with a hat and a hoodie sits in front of me and an even taller boy with two toned red and black hair sits in front of Vicky. Me and Vicky look at each other saying this will not be easy.
"Hello, boys me and my friend here couldn't help but notice that you seem to be interested in us from the other side of the food area," I say smiling at them both.
"Sorry, but you seem to be shinning today, my spirit animal being a magpie, I couldn't help but turn my attention to you." Said the blonde boy.
"Hahahahaha well you two certainly have your pickup lines down," I say with a laugh.
"So, you clearly have an interest in us, tell us about your selves," Vicky says.
"That's boring, no offense, but can't we a fun way to do it," The two-toned boy said.
"I agree and I have the solution, two truth's and a lie," I say.
"What's that?" The two-toned boy asked.
"A game that involves each person giving up three facts about one another two being true and the third a lie, the rest will have to try and find out which is which," I say.
"Now that I can get behind." Said the blonde boy.
"So, who wants to go first?" I asked.
"Seems simple, let's see, first off, I have two younger sisters, second, I am a huge anime fan and third, I own a car," The two-toned boy said.
"Car." Me and Vicky said in unison.
"Sisters." the blonde boy said.
"They're good, car was the lie." The two-toned boy said.
"You don't have any sisters." The blonde boy said confused.
"I do now." The two-toned boy said.
"I'll go next, one, I have a step-sister, two I am a huge skating fan and skate my self...come to think of it, I haven't gone skating in a while...anyway, three, I have never played a video game," I said smiling.
"Hmmm, I know that one is true, so I'm say video games is a lie," Vicky says.
"I don't know you don't look like a skater so I'm saying the skating is the lie." The two-toned boy said.
"Same here." The blonde boy said.
"Sorry, but I recently got my own console, so I've been playing a lot of video games lately," I said.
"Damn this games hard." The blonde boy said.
"Still, I'm enjoying it." The two-toned boy said.
"Ya, guess I'll go next, let's see, first off, I have somehow been able to piss off each and every one of my teachers, second, I did some voice acting about a year ago, third and finally, I am, despite my angry teachers, a straight-A student." The blonde boy said.
"Your grades, no one is that perfect, plus you look too chill and laid back to care that much about being the perfect student," I said.
"Voice acting," Vicky said.
The blonde boy turned to his friend waiting for an answer.
"You have 12 teachers, there is no way you've pissed off all of them." He said.
"Voice acting." The blonde boy said.
"You pissed off all of your teachers?" The two-toned boy asked.
"And you're a perfect student?" I asked alarmed.
"All right, you're up V," I say carefully not give her name away.
"Well to start off with, I have always had a strong love for the supernatural, two, I always wanted a pet wolf and three, I've never had a boyfriend," Vicky said.
"Wow, this I find hard," I said having no idea where to start.
"You're too beautiful to have not had at least one boyfriend so I'm calling lie on that." The two-toned boy said.
"I don't know if you do love the supernatural, I would expect you to wear something showing that, but I am not seeing that so I call lie on love for the supernatural." Said the blonde boy.
"I call lie on boyfriend too," I said.
"Yep boyfriend was the lie," Vicky said.
"That's impossible how?" The two-toned boy asked.
"Well, if you must know, many boys have asked me out, but they didn't make me feel anything," Vicky said as I just sat there with my eyes closed, listening.
"And if you're wondering, no I'm not into girls, not completely, but I know someone who is very cool about their sexuality, my friend here." She said poking me.
"Oh ya." Said the two-toned boy, his attention instantly turning to me.
"It's true," I said.
"Can you prove it?" Said the two-toned boy his attention still focused solely on me.
"Ok fine, you and you stand," I say pointing at Vicky and said the two-toned boy.
They both stand, I grab said two-toned boys jacket pull him in and kiss him, pull away turn and kiss Vicky. Then I sit back down leaving them both stunned.
"Satisfied?" I asked.
"Hahaha that was smooth, nicely done, tell me, do you like sports." Asked the blonde boy.
"No, not really, but my friend is on the school's volleyball team," I said.
"Volleyball, huh." Said the blonde boy looking at Vicky intrigued.
This seems like a good place to stop for now, I thought to my self.
"You know, it's fun hanging with you, but we are running out of time, so how about we exchange..." I said getting cut off.
"Phone numbers." Said the two-toned boy.
"E-mails, quick draw," I said checking my phone.
"So," Vicky said as we made our way to her home.
"So what?" I asked.
"Who won the game, who's buying dinner?" Vicky asked.
"Oh come on, we were both able to turn the interest of two guys and the girl they're into, I call that a win for the both of us," I say.
We get to Vicky,'s house and we go to her room.
"I need a shower, you?" I ask.
"I could certainly use one," Vicky says giving herself a good sniff.
"Want some company?" I ask getting close to her.
"I was hoping you would ask," Vicky said.
We got to the shower I turn it on and wait for it to heat up during witch time Vicky kisses me as we remove each other's clothing after our wet and sexual shower Vicky turns to me.
"I'll do it I'll help you convince your mother this date was well some of the must fun I've had in a long time," Vicky said turn to me smiling with tears in her eyes.

You And Me GxG
RomanceGxG This a story about the love that develops very fast as Kaitlin falls in love with her new stepsister Chloe. Chloe has no interest in Kaitlin to start off with but soon gives in to her feelings. (My First Story Be Nice)