"This complicates things... If she had feelings for me then I could use that to try and talk to her about it." I said as Sam and Bec waited for me to have a good idea.
"If you two want to handle this me and Bec can work on this play you convinced the drama club to let us write it," Sam said.
"Thanks, that would be great," I say hugging Sam.
"Come on Bec, let's go," Sam says and they leave.
"Do we know anyone that has gone through this so we can ask for advice?" Chloe asks.
"As it happens we do... my father," I say.
We get his location from my mum and make it to the hotel, the man at the desk asks us our reason for entering.
"We are here to see my father, is he here?" I say.
"Name?" The man asked me.
"Jason Graham," I say.
"Ah, yes, he is in room 245 floor 8." He says as we leave.
"So your name is Kaitlin Graham," Chloe said.
"No, I took my mothers name Ozwall," I say.
"So your name is Kaitlin Ozwall?" Chloe asks as we enter the elevator.
"Yep, I never asked whats your last name," I said.
"Hal, Chloe Hal." She said smiling sweetly.
The elevator door opens and we walk down the fancy hall, I count the door numbers as we look for my father, 243, 244 245.
"Well, here we are," I say as I look at the door.
I knock on the door and wait for him to open the door, it takes a while, but he eventually does.
"Hm, Kaitlin, what are you doing here, need something?" Jason asks.
"Advice, I am going through something you went through when you were my age," I say.
"I see, come on in." My dad said.
We told my dad the situation and as we talked I could practically see the wheels in his head turning trying to come up with a way to remedy the situation.
"Well, my situation was a little different, but the best way I can think to remedy this would be to have Chloe talk to her, have the one she loves to try and remedy the problem." My dad said.
"You really don't think that I should talk to her?" I asked.
"No, if my suspicions are right then you talking to her may only make things worse." My dad said as I tried to understand.
We left and my dad thanked me for talking to him, as we left I could tell that Chloe wanted to ask me something.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Um, nothing." She said getting flustered in her cute way.
"You have wanted to ask me something since we left the room my father was staying in," I say in a surprised tone.
"Are you Ok with me talking to Momo?" She asks.
"If my father thinks so, then I trust him, he has lived through this," I say.
Over the next week we went over our plan on what I should say to Momo and I feel like I'm going over a script for a film. The plan was to confront Momo at school rather than her house, as to soften the blow. Before I knew it the day had come, Kaitlin had told me to be blunt when talking to Momo, as that was the best way to get our point across. I walked shakily to the club room, which was the last place Momo was seen entering. I looked through the window on the door and saw Momo sitting alone in the club room, I entered and she smiled at me.
"Momo I want to talk to you about yesterday," I said not smiling back I let out a sigh and began.
"Listen, I know that you have feelings for me and that I'm sad to say is a problem. You know that I'm in a relationship, no, you know I'm in love with Kaitlin, I really am. I have for the first time found someone that I can be myself around and when I'm with her I feel safe and I never felt that way about anyone and I'm afraid that if I start having a relationship with you that it's going to ruin that. I don't think that there's anyone else that I would rather be with other than Kaitlin. Being with her is the happiest I've ever felt, so I'm sorry, but I just can't be with you." I felt bad and relieved at the end.
"Well then I have two things to say, one is a confession, it was me that trashed the club room," Momo said.
"I know, I figured it out a while ago," I said with a smile.
"The second is a request," Momo said.
"What is it?" I said as Momo got very close.
"Will you give me one last kiss?" She said on the verge of crying.
"Of course," I said as I pulled her in and kissed her and I could feel the tears run down her face.
That day I got home late and I came home to a fancy looking meal that Kaitlin had obviously prepared for me.
"What is this?" I ask.
"You let me keep one of my best friends and I wanted to thank you, mum and dad are out so this is all yours." She said hands in a display like position.
As we ate we talked about the crazy day we had just had.
"I can't believe you went off script," Kaitlin said with a laugh.
"Like I had a choice," I replied.
That night we stayed up late talking and playing games, probably Kaitlin's way of giving me some time to relax after what I had to do. She would have had a party for me, but she would have had a hard time putting it together in time.
"Ahhhhh, well I am beat, you tired, wanna go to bed?" Kaitlin asked.
"Only if you go with me," I said pushing her down and getting on top of her.
She laughs and we kiss as we make our way to the bedroom, we push the beds together to give us more room. After two hours of kissing, we are both lying on the beds in our underwear, Kaitlin in a spooning position behind me.
"About what you said when talking to Momo, did you mean it, like when you said I made you safe?" Kaitlin said grabbing my hand and putting her fingers between mine.
"Every word, you are the one person that I truly believe in, with you I finally feel like I found the person I can happily spend the rest of my life with," I say.

You And Me GxG
RomanceGxG This a story about the love that develops very fast as Kaitlin falls in love with her new stepsister Chloe. Chloe has no interest in Kaitlin to start off with but soon gives in to her feelings. (My First Story Be Nice)