I feel my wrists in pain as I wake I can only see bits of the room around me it is dark and cold I try to free my wrists but they are chained so I make no headway I then hear a loud scream of pain from above me and someone shouting GET THE FUCK OUT. The screams continue for a full 20 minutes and it starts to drive me mad towards the end not knowing who it is being hurt or inflicting the pain. After it is over I hear thumping and steps all over and then light pours in from the spaces in between the floorboards it is bright and yellow I see it blocked out by feet moving around. Then a hatch on the other side of the room is blasted open and a few legs come down one of the pairs was being dragged as they made their way down the stairs I saw that the one being dragged was Chloe she was unconscious.
"CHLOE" I yell as she is thrown down in front of me.
Then I look up and see some guy with a face mask over his mouth sunglasses on and a hat to hide his hair.
"Who the fuck are you and what did you do to my sister," I said getting as close as I could depending on how far the chains would let me.
"Why does everyone ask that, they all ask the wrong question just who am I when they should be asking where they are because when they ask I tend to answer," Said the masked man.
"Why, why do you answer," I say.
"You see those are the kind of questions that you should be asking ones that help you find out what kind of person I am," Said the masked man.
"And why would I want to know what kind of person you are," I asked.
"When I kidnap someone I keep them for a week we talk I leave my mark and then I let them go two weeks later I take another and each time I see if the info on me they gather will help the police catch me," Said the masked man.
"Mark what mark," I ask.
"Take a look at your sister," Said the masked man.
I look down fearing what I will see and I see that an area and her back has been sliced off no bigger than an iPhone I turn away trying not to throw up at the sight of her exposed flesh.
"Can you do something for me?" I said still not able to look at my sister.
"What," Said the masked man.
"Ya, you won't want me to when you hear why your here," Said the masked man.
"What are you talking about," I said.
"Heh heh heh your sister is the reason you're here now she is the one that gave me the perfect opportunity to find you capture you and keep you here," Said the masked man.
I look at her and turn away again at the site of her wound.
"If so then I'll deal with that in my own time but I can't do that if she is dead," I say.
"Fine," Said the masked man as he grabbed some bandages from a box in the corner of the room.
Tow hours later and Chloe finally wakes up she looks at me shakily with a look of self hate and regret then goes and sits in the corner in the dark.
"I know what you did but we will deal with that later," I said.
"Why later not like we are getting out of here anytime soon," She said
"Fine, so this is the part where you tell me why you did it after that I will consider whether or not it was your fault but no matter your answer my feelings will not change towards you but... it may take some time to give in to them again," I said.
"What does that mean," Chloe said.
"Depending on your answer depends on how long it will tack for me to forgive you... but forgive you or not... my... feelings... will... not change and I doubt they ever will" I said only barely stopping myself from crying.
"I didn't have the opportunity to choose whether or not to get you to him or get him to you," Chloe said.
"What stopped you from having the opportunity to choose?" I asked.
Chloe got up and grabbed something in the middle of the room as she carried it over to me I saw that it was the locket that I had given her.
"But that's," I said.
"I remembered where I dropped it," She said putting it on.
"Why aren't you chained up like me," I asked.
"Who knows maybe you can ask him when he comes back," Chloe said.
At that moment the doors of the basement blow open and two sets of legs came down.
"Now I hate to do this after you have been so cooperative but my colleague here is oh so very distrusting and has forced me to chain you up like your sister... or is it, girlfriend," Said the masked man.
I looked away not liking where this is going.
"I knew it you thought I didn't know but I have my ways of getting information out of others against their will it often involves a large amount of pain across a large number of tools to inflict that pain," Said the masked man.
The other one then grabbed my sister from behind and warped the chains around her wrists and then stinging them up not too high so that she was hanging but high enough to cause pain. I saw Chloe wince at the sudden pain before calming down as she adjusted to it I guessed that I had adjusted to it before I woke up here.
"On another note, you must be hungry so here we're gonna feed you," Said the masked man and I could practically see the smile through the face mask.
"Now I don't want to die in this filthy smelly shit whole of a basement so I will let you feed me on one condition," I said.
"What would that be," Said the masked man his colleague not saying anything.
"Try not to enjoy it so much," I said with a sassy smile on my face.
"Fine you got me there," Said the masked man as he opened what looked like a child's lunch box to reveal some truly amazing looking food.
"Being a kidnapper has given me a lot of time to learn how to cook," Said the masked man stabbing a fork into the box and pushing a piece of sushi into my mouth as I reluctantly open my mouth and eat it.

You And Me GxG
RomanceGxG This a story about the love that develops very fast as Kaitlin falls in love with her new stepsister Chloe. Chloe has no interest in Kaitlin to start off with but soon gives in to her feelings. (My First Story Be Nice)