Warm Snow

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Me and Kaitlin stand in the window of our bedroom watching the snow fall and cover the town in a beautiful white bed.

"You know what this means right," Kaitlin said.

"Witch part the snow or what we just did on the bed," I said wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Ok first the snow it means that Christmas is just a short time away," Kaitlin said with a laugh.

"That's true I'm looking forward to it," I said closing my eyes.

"And secondly what we did is proof that we are going to be together forever as long as we do everything to keep it that way," Kaitlin said as she smiled and kissed me.

I can only imagine what it must have looked like us silhouetted in the wight glow of the snow and in an embrace that would melt all the snow in the town I would have liked to have seen it.


We made our way to school hand in hand.

"So how does it feel showing our love freely," Kaitlin said.

"To be honest I'm actually nervous," I said.

We sat in class and thankfully no one came up to us and asked the "Are we ok" question I hate when people ask a question with one of the most obvious answers. I was brake so I headed to the club room for some peace and quiet since the rest of them were working on this play I opened the door empty good I'll just rest my eyes. As I closed my eyes they felt like they were ment to be closed so I shut them fast and put on some music some times this is the only way I can truly relax. The bell rang to signal the end of brake and my relaxation session why does it have to be a bell I look outside and the snow is still falling like it has since this morning.

"At this rate we'll get snowed in" I heard a well-known voice from behind.

"If we do I'm dinging my way out," I said.

"Is that so?" said the voice.

I then felt arms wrap around my stomach and a head rests on my shoulder with hair falling over my shoulder.

"You had best take me with you," The voice said into my ear.

"Sure you can handle the cold," I said putting my hands over the hands still over my stomach.

"As long as I'm with you the snow will be warm so it won't bother me not one bit," Said the voice as I felt a kiss on the bake of my neck.

Back in class, all I can be bothered to focus on is the snow as it falls coach was probably saying something about maths but I learn more walking down the street than I do in his classes. Then a small folded piece of paper lands on my desk I slide it under a page of my book open it then turn the page the handwriting was surprisingly posh. It read "You tow doing ok... Sammy" After reading it is scrunched it up and chucked it out the window and then watched as it was covered by the snow. After visiting our mum in the hospital I and Kaitlin went home.

"So now that we are here you can help me," Kaitlin said tacking off her tie and blazer.

"Help you with what?" I asked.

"The tree," Kaitlin said pulling a box with a Christmas tree on it out from a broom closet.

"You want me to help you with the tree," I say.

"Take a wild guess," She said opening the box.

"Wait don't you buy one from the shops," I asked.

"No me and my mum got a plastic one two years ago much cheaper," She said.

"Fine," I said Removing my tie and blazer to help.

"Humm red or white?" Kaitlin said after ten minutes.

"Red or white what," I said leaning over from the other side of the tree.

"Tinsel," Kaitlin said holding up two types.

"Red," I said looking at the tree.

"Snow flacks or stars?" I asked

"The stars are for putting up around the house so snowflakes," Kaitlin said.

After we were finished we both took a step back looked at each other and nodded at each other smiling proud with our work just then my dad came in.

"Oh good you're here I've got you an appointment with Doctor Harring tomorrow at 4:30 pm," He said.

"Can I go too?" Kaitlin said.

I turn to my dad.

"I don't see why not," He said.

Kaitlin smiled at me hands in a peace sign.

"I wanted to ask when your mum gets out," I asked.

"Tomorrow according to a call I got from the hospital," Kaitlin said.

"Good," I said.

"Like the tree?" Kaitlin said presenting it to my dad.

"Yes it's very impressive," He said.

"Well I've got some homework to do so I'll be in my room if you need me," Kaitlin said winking at me.

"I've got some too so I'll be there as well," I say following her.

"Was that flirtatious wink a way to be alone with me?" I say smiling.

"Yes but... not for that" Kaitlin said pushing, me away from a kiss.

"So what is it," I said.

"I wanted to give you this" Kaitlin said reaching under her bed.

She pulled out a small jewelled box with a shiny heart in the centre I opened it and a locket was inside I oped the locket and inside was a pitcher us on one side kissing and on the other smiling. I remember the pitchers.

"These pitchers," I say.

"Yep," She said.

"How did you..." I start but can't finish.

"Sam knows a guy who makes lockets so he got me in touch with him," Kaitlin said.

"I love it but wouldn't it have made a good Christmas gift," I say looking and admiring the locket.

"Oh I have something else for a good Christmas gift now turn around," Kaitlin said tacking the locket.

I turned and then Kaitlin's hands came around me and she clipped the two sides of the locket together I moved my hair over the locket and turned back around.

"It looks good on you," She said.

I smiled and kissed her.

"Now I do actually have some homework that needs doing sooo," Kaitlin said.

I laughed and lay down on the bed admiring the locket as I listened to the sound of pencil on paper thinking about what her gift was and then SHIT I NEED TO GET HER A GIFT. I think as I jump sting up in the bed.

"I'm going out so you can study in peace see ya," I say leaving before she can protest.

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