You Promised

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Kaitlin's P.O.V

I burst into the club room with charts and books under my arms.

"Hello, club members!" I yell as I entered the room.

I plopped everything I had onto the table and lay them out as the club gathers around the table.

"What's all this?" Sam asked.

"I'm glad you asked Sammy boy," I said as I arranged the charts in the order they were meant to be.

"All will become clear as soon as I address something that you should all know that will help this club with its event for the end of year club festival," I say moving next to Chloe.

"Ok, you have my attention." Said Bec.

"Me and my step sister here are in a very happy and loving lesbian relationship, this information is not to leave this room under any circumstances, if it is, the one that leaked the info will be punished," I said as confidently as I could.

"But yesterday you told me that..." Chloe began but I cut her off.

"I changed my mind," I said looking at Sam and Bec waiting for their responses.

As expected Sam answers with. "Ok, you two have fun now." And Bec just smiles.

"Good we are all in agreement so back to the festival," I say as we pour over my items.

Later I am outside with Sam waiting for Bec and Chloe.

"What's taking so long?" I ask leaning over and laying an arm on Sam's shoulder.

Chloe and Bec then exit the main building listening to music on Bec's phone by sharing one earplug each. I run over to them Sam trailing ten steps behind me.

"So, you ready?" I say wrapping an arm around Chloe's waist.

"Ready for what?" Chloe asks removing Bec's earplug.

"The three of us have had this little tradition the last two years, whenever the sports team is practising we watch them eat our lunch while making fun of them with each other," Sam says waking over.

"So we just make fun of the sports team?" Chloe asks and I smile at her.

"See Sam she gets it," Bec says putting hands on both sides of Chloe's shoulders.

"I never said she wouldn't get it, I said she may not think it's a good idea or not what she calls fun," Sam said.

"And what if she came up with something else to do, you would be cool with breaking tradition," Bec said.

"If it's something better, then yes," Sam said, Bec scowling at him.

"We could go and peek at what Momo has been working on," I say in a sly and sinister tone.

"Now that sounds like fun." Bec and Sam say in unison.

"I meant to ask why is Momo not a part of this club?" Chloe asks as we leave the room.

"Oh she is, but being the queen of the schools underground keeps her busy, so we decided as long as she is seen taking part in the end of year thing she won't be punished by the school for lack of participation," I say.

We walk out of the old school building and make our way to the car park we then jump the fence and are in an area full of old broken down coaches all positioned in a ring around a wooden shed. I walk up to a coach and knock on the door and say.

"To create you must destroy." And the door swings open.

"Well look who made it back and with a friend." I hear a voice I know.

"Hey Jack, the Queen around?" I ask.

"No, sadly she's out at the moment." Says Jack.

"Well we need to see her, so we shall go wait in her office," I say.

"Hold it newcomers need to pass the test." Says Jack.

"What test?" Asks Chloe.

"A small formality to make sure you will not leak our location or operation." He says.

"He's lying, Jack quit scaring the new girl," I say and we walk off.

We exit one of the couches to a shed in the middle.

"So what is this, some kind of base for the kids who want to study off the grid," Chloe said looking around.

"Your half right it is a place off the grid, but kids don't exactly study here," Sam says.

"So what is it?" Chloe asks as we reach the shed door.

"The kids here spend their time keeping tabs on all of the kids in the school for the sole reason that we can." Says Bec.

"It's simple Chaos Theory." Says Sam.

"And no one understands Chaos Theory better than I do which is why I'm using it to control the school." Says Momo as she appears behind us.

"You came to peek at my new project, right?" Said Momo.

"Damn you see through everything don't you?" I said.

"You know this project's purpose is to make it less difficult to slip off campus." Said Momo.

"Ok, but why do we need a reason to slip off campus?" Asked Sam.

"All will become clear when the project is in its final phase." Said Momo.

The final school bell rings and the kid starts to lock up the coaches as we leave.

"Well, we best get going I have a promise to keep," I said as we left for home.

Me and Chloe get home and we go to our room to talk in private as this is something my mum will not want to hear.

"Well, it's been a week so it's time," I say as I sit on the bed.

"If you don't want to tell me you don't have to," Chloe said looking at me sadly.

"I never go back on my word you should know that by now if nothing else. And being with you is the happiest I've felt in a long time and not only that, with you, I feel like I've met someone I can truly trust. That means if I don't tell you now, I may never get the chance." I say.

Chloe looks at me for a few moments and then bows her head.

"Ok, but before I tell you to make this less awkward a question," I say.

"Question?" Chloe replies.

"Yep, just one," I say.

"When did you first figure out you were into girls?" I ask getting up and hugging Chloe.

"It was a long time ago more of a story really," Chloe said.

"Long story short my big bro had his girlfriend over once and she had a sister my age and things happened that made me develop feelings for her but she didn't do the same for me," Chloe says weakly smiling.

"Now that sounds like a fun story, despite the sad ending, but it's my turn, well my tale takes place before I was even born." As I tell my sad story I see the look in Chloe's eyes she is holding back the urge to tell me to stop.

I finish my story and wait for a response from Chloe... I don't get one the painful silence continues until finally.

Knock Knock Knock

"Girls dinners ready, it's lasagna," My mum says knowing it's my favourite.

"I get if you don't want to be with me anymore, but my mum hasn't been happy in a long time so don't tell her and end her relationship with your dad," I whisper to her and leave the room.

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