"So it's not a real fireplace," Chloe said.
"When you live in..." I said but was cut off by the doorbell.
Ring Ring Ring
"Do you think that's it?" Chloe said.
"It better be," I said as we eagerly made our way to the front door.
We see our mother holding on to the lead of a cockapoo with a beautiful caramel fur coat as it eagerly pulls on the lead to greet us I bend down and stroke it as Chloe does the same.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" I said to my mum.
"It's a girl," My mum said.
My mum then unclips the lead and the dog runs past us and begins to sniff around our house I assume to familiarise itself with the smells that can be found in this house. We watch and laugh and Chloe puts her arm around my hip and pulls me in I rest my head on her shoulder as we watch the dog run around yapping excitedly as it ran in circles.
"Does it have a name by chance?" I asked my mum.
"Your dog your name," My mum said and I smiled at her.
"Let me see how about... Luna" I said.
"I'll second that," Layla said from behind me as she and Seth leave their room to find out what all the noise is about.
"Welcome to the family Luna," Seth said as he bent down to pet it and it lets him.
Later we are all eating lunch and Luna is walking around the table probably looking for someone to "Acsadently" drop a piece of food.
"Hey," Chloe said as I grab the last piece of chicken seconds before she can.
I give her a smile as I open my mouth and put the chicken in my mouth I then turn to Chloe and point at it Chloe shakes her head and smiles before biting the other end and we pull away ripping it in half. I see the look on my mum's face as she decides if she approves or not.
"Mum accepting our love for one another means letting us do stuff like that without giving us or me the look of disapproval," I said with a sigh as I ate the chicken I split with Chloe.
We ate and talked until the only things left on the table were empty plates and trays as my mum and Phil cleared them away Seth, Layla, Chole and I went to the sofa to play some 2v2 halo matches. We team up with me and Layla on one team and Chloe and Seth on the other
"Oh, I ment to ask you said that this place has no real fireplace why is that?" Chloe asked.
"This is an apartment block... no chimneys," I said.
"Oh right why did that just now occur to me," Chloe said.
"Because we're having too much fun," I said as I started firing at her.
"Are you serious?" Chloe said as I killed her.
"I'm sure that Kaitlin is just showing you how dangerous it is to get distracted on the battlefield," Seth said.
"Precisely," I said.
We played for about three hours before Seth and Layla said that they were sick of being the first to go on either team me and Chloe fist-bumped at that and closed the game. After I put down my controller I hear some yapping from behind me I look over the back of the sofa and see Luna looking up at me tung out and panting.
"Look's like someone wants to play," Chloe said as she lay her head on my shoulder.
"Well do we have any toys mum," I said getting no answer.
"I think that's a no" Chloe said.
I get up and walk over to Luna I put my hand out Luna sniff's it and starts to lick it I move my hand up and onto the top of Luna's head and move it from side to side. Luna lays down and lets me stroke her Chloe joins me on the floor we sit our backs to the sofa as we stroke Luna after some more stroking Luna came and lay down in between us and went to sleep. Chloe looks at me and we laughed before she kissed me I then laid my forehead on her shoulder.
"You'll need an open mind tonight as we may need to do what we planned to in our room," I said quite enough so my mum was out of earshot.
"As long as I get to be on top this time," Chloe said making me blush but I stayed looking down to hide it.
"Sure you got it," I said whispering in her ear.
Later I get a call from my dad which I guess means he's making an effort.
"Hey, dad making the most of a lonely Christmas," I said wacking my mum's hand away as she tried to take the phone.
"Ha I'm not alone this year as it turns out," My dad said.
"Oh," I said.
"I'm with a girl met while I was travelling and well we got to talking and you know how charming I can be," My dad said.
"Is this the part where you tell me to let mum know?" I said.
"No this is where I tell you that I will tell mum when I am ready so this is the part where I tell you not to tell her just yet," My dad said.
"Fine enjoy the company I guess," I said.
"Thanks for understanding sweety Oh and Merry Christmas," My dad said.
"I'm having an open mind to this so I'll follow your lead for now and thanks for telling me at least should I let Chloe know," I said.
"If you like as long you can be sure she won't tell your mother," My dad said.
"I'll make sure she won't but I need to tell someone," I said before hagging up the phone.
"Was that your dad?" Chloe said.
I nodded.
"Something on your mind," Chloe said.
I drag Chloe to our room and close the door.
"I'm going to tell you something that my dad told me only because I assured him that you wouldn't tell my mum so you now have to promise me that you won't speak a word," I said.
"Ok sure not a word," Chloe said.
"Well my dad is not spending this Christmas alone he is spending it with some girl he met while travelling," I said.
"Now I see why you needed to tell someone," Chloe said.
"And why we can't say a word to our mother," I said getting a nod from Chloe.
"So what now we just go and act like nothing happened like we know nothing," Chloe said.
"Nothing else we can do," I said.
"Are you ok with all this?" Chloe said.
"About the fact that my dad found someone new and won't tell my mum no, about the fact he trusted me enough to tell me," I said.

You And Me GxG
RomanceGxG This a story about the love that develops very fast as Kaitlin falls in love with her new stepsister Chloe. Chloe has no interest in Kaitlin to start off with but soon gives in to her feelings. (My First Story Be Nice)