Ride Cowboy Ride

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She saw him that day in a different light. He was standing by the barn. The light rain was coming down and rolling off his tan and blue roper jacket. Mandy Harper yelled from the porch for him to come in from the rain. Sean ryan moved up to her and there he shook off the rain and took the hot cup of coffee from her soft hand.
Mandy took a sip from her own cup of coffee. The heat warmed her and the wetness of the cowboy in front of her help even more. He sipped at the warmness of his sweet coffee. The new that he was being heated up my more then the coffee. It didn't help that the sexy owner of the farm was giving him fuck me eyes.
He took in another sip of the fresh hot coffee. He put the cup down and put his right hand on mandys cup and sat it next to his. And then placed his hand on the back of her head and pushed it to his. His lips found hers and this toung made its way into her mouth. He kissed her hard. She walked backwards and together they found there way into the house. There they pulled at each others close. Sean pulled off his puffer jacket and throw it onto the couch. Then he helped mandy pull off her shirt. It only took a moment for sean to help her out of her bra. There his rough lips found her soft right nipple. He sucked on the perky brest like a kid in a candy store. He sucked at it for a long moment. She began to run her fingers throw his soft chestnut brown hair. With each go throw sent shivers down his tan back. He loved the way she felt. The way she smelt. He loved the way she tasted. Sean could feel her hot body, feel stem rising from her ladyhood. He took her in with every kiss. From her brest he made this way down to her pussy. There he pushed down here jeans then moved over her panties. And there the kitty cat was waiting for his toung.
Mandy shivered as his toung entered into her sweet spot. She felt tingles as he licked her clit. Sean was eating her out like an ice cream. His toung did things you only read about in smutty books. "Go, go deeper." Mandy mound.
She almost lost her balenc as sean sucked her in deep.
Her juice was flowing dripping on to his face. He could now truly smell her. She smelt like hot summer sex. Tasted like sweet honey fresh from the hive. She pulled him up and together made there way to the couch. She helped sean unbotten his jeans and there they fell to the floor. And it took her no time to push down his boxers. There he mouth found Sean's waiting manhood. It was standing at attention. She sucked it in, could feel it pulsate in her mouth. She moved up and down his shaft. Her teeth lightly moving upon his dick. The motion shot shivers up his spine. Mandy knew what she was doing when it came to a mans penis.
Sean mound loudly as she deep throats his manhood. He felt her uvula with the head of hid packer. Her breath was warm on his balls. As he began to cum he pulled Mandy off his stick. There he moved her pussy up to his throbbing manhood.
She placed her legs around his wast. Her pussy took his dick like a fish takes the warm. He moved slowly up and down his hard rod. With every move his rod felt the pleasure of her love. Mandy road his penis like she was riding a mustang. He was her knight and she was the damsel in distress. After a nice ride, sean reached up a hand and pushed Mandy's head down and took a soft kiss from her lips. Together they began to moan as the passion began to mound. She lusted for him from the first days he began to work on the farm. He lusted for her the first time his blue eyes met her sea green eyes. They had a secret that they were keeping from each other until know. They looked eyes and the secret of there love was know out in the open. They dance the dance of lover passion. She moved in his manhood like a beast of need. They kissed again this time with open mouths and toungs eating each other like passionate fruit. After amount she felt his hot juice explode into her pussy. She sang the song of love. For a moment they sat in each others arms he still in her.
Sean found her left brest and began tasting it. It was as sweet as the right one. With every nibble shivers broke out all over her body. As he finished she removered herself from him. She got up and headed to the Kichen but before her naked body went behind the door she asked,"can I got your a beer and a sandwich." "That would be nice." He replied.
10 minutes later Mandy returned with two beers and two sandwiches. She haned sean has sandwich and beer before setting next to him. After taking a long sip of her beer she added, "I thank this should be a regular thing."
"What the beer and sandwich?" He teasted her playfully.
...THE END...

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