Camping Lust

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The drive up to Ridgewood was long but worth it. Mike Stoner had Lynn Wright by his side. The trip was Lynn's idea she loved the great out doors. She lovef fall the cool crisp air and soft breezes. Mike love fall because he got to ware his puffer vest and his thin sweaters. Mike pulled up to the campground and put the range rover and park. He jumped out and began unloading. The tent was the first thing he pulled out. Then folding chairs and sleeping bags. Lynn pulled out one queen size air bed. She left the food in the back for the moment. They took ten minutes to put up the tent and blow up the bed.
Mike left Lynn to get the two small ice chests, as he began finding wood for the fire. She place the chest on the parks picnic table.
As he made the fire night began to creep up. Lynn walked over to Mike and handed him a cold beer. There he popped the top and took a long drink. "You hungry yet." She asked "yes, but not for food, hungry for you." He said pulling her to him.
He stud up and kissed her hard on the lips. They played at the door of passion. They began to be heated.
Lynn fell to her knees and there unzipped his pants. She slide them down to his ankles to revile he had no boxers on just a waiting hard dick. She placed the penis into her hot warm mouth. Her saliva moistened his dry manhood. With her hands and lips she created a deep throat effect. Her tongue flickered the head of his dick. The flicker sent shivers down Mike's spine. She continued for a long moment flickering the head as he moaned in pleasure. After she felt him twitch within the dick she quite sucking.
He pulled her up and hardly kissed her on the mouth. Parting her lips to place his tongue within. He sucked on her tongue making her loss her breath. He moved from her mouth to help her sheed her clothes. His lips found her brest he flicked hey nipple and sent a shiver down her spine. She loved how he handled her with care. He lightly pushed her down onto the fold out chair and buried his face between her legs. His tongue flickered at her clit for 3 minutes sending multiple Shivers up her spine. Then his long toung made it's way into her awaiting pussy. He drank her in with every lick of sweetness. With each lick she pushed up and back upon his face. She was now face fucking him. He slurped the juice of her hot cum. He drank from her loving cup. Each lick made him wonder how many did it take to make her really orgasm? Mike found her clit and pulled on it with his rugged lips. With each nible he knew that he had found her g spot. She moaned in sweet pleasure. His tongue hard he began to fuck her with it. He entered her in, out, in, and out. Her body sang sweet songs of lust. She new that Mike had her right were he wanted her. He was having dessert first her tight juice pussy. She shivered as he hit her spot again. Juice sprayed out onto his face. He moved up and found her lips. There he pulled her in and gave her another hard kiss. He nibled on her bottom lip then bite it lightly.
Lynn found herself back on his dick. she placed in her mouth and really deep throated it this time. He felt the inside of her mouth sounding his manhood. After a short moment
Lynn whispered loudly, "Take me, fuck me now." He pulled her up off of his penis and pushed her over the picnic table. There he placed his dick into her steamy pussy. And began to fuck her slow and soft. Pushing his dick in and out of her ladyhood. There body's slammed together making friction and a sound of lust. She like being fucked doggy style and her hair being pulled during sex. Fucking was her favorite hobby. A hobby she did well.
Mike pushed up in her this time with speed. He was moving her and the picnic table. You could hear the squeaks coming from the table. And you can hear the moan of lust coming from both parties. He pulled her back up and gave her a rough hard wet kiss. Mike was taking Lynn in with every thrust and kiss. He turned her over so she was lying on the table with the tablecloth underneath her. There he reentered her and then again to pound her with his rock hard penis. They're his hand found her waiting brest and he began to pinch on the nipples. He played with them as he kept fucking her. They fit together like a puzzle. It was not his first public fuck, but he knew this was hers.
Lynn had told him once she had wanted to have sex in a public place. But she was afraid of getting caught. But now he was making her fantasy come true. Mike leand down and began sucking on her plump melon like brest. He pushed up in her as he shot off his warm loud within her. Lynn moved his off her brest and pulled his head up to hers there they kissed on last time. He moved off her and began dressing. Lynn did the same. "I'll get the frozen hamburgers and season them." She said after her clothes were on. That wasn't the last time that night the found paradise. But it was the time she remembered the most. She slipped back there a time or two. She even put the scene in to her first novel. This was her first time in public but it was not her last. Mike helped her in her public expression but he wasn't her last. He only last about a year them they parted ways. It was for the best they were just fucking not loving. And love was what everyone needs right, right.

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