Two blues and three greens. poem

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"How do you take your coffee? "she asked.
" Two blues, three greens, a splash of milk and you naked in my be." He replied.
" Me in between your legs."
" Me drinking from the foundation of passion."
" You moaning with every lick I flick." He added as he grabbed his coffee and stirred it.
She looked at him and added " I'll give you what you want daddy."
" Tell me what you want." She through out in to the open air.
"What do I want?" He questioned.
"I want you on my dick."
"You riding me like a Harley." He casually through out there.
"You then sucking my manhood."
"You deep throating my cock." He was a man that knew what he wanted. He took a long sip of the hot coffee before adding, "let's of to the bedroom, let do this."
"Let's fuck like bucks."
"Let me push up in you like a puck."
" Let me fuck you like a Mick." He took her to the bed. They shedded there clothes and fucked like ducks...
The end

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