Just Sex, Or Not...

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Jeff pulled at Kevin's chest as they rolled over, again him on top of Kevin's. Jeff was on top, the flame from the fire with hot Illuminating Kevin's face. The eyes had disappeared. There was nothing but that liquid mercury left, and it swallowed Jeff whole. Fierce desire and blazing satisfaction flooded through Jeff because finally Kevin was Jeff's. A man, so full of intensity, and heat that his soul must be a bonfire, and he was truly all his.
Jeff placed a wet, sloppy kiss upon Kevin's waiting lips. The heat from there body's mixed with the heat from the fireplace. Their bodies dripped in sweat, and they sweat mixed together, sending terostarone through the air. His lips moved from Kevin's kissing his cheek, trailing down to his Adam's apple there he sucked in the pleasure of Kevin sent. Terosterone musk and salty moist perspiration. Jeff took in along ragged breath of the muscular Beast under him.
As their bodies lay naked, Jeff moved downward, kissing each inch of Kevin's body. Stopping only a moment to suck on the nipple of Kevin. He followed the trail down to a six pack of chiseled abs, kissing each muscle. His body wiggled downward to the awaiting manhood of Kevin. There he sucked in a long ragged breath before taking in the precious cock. He nibbled at the top for a short moment before lowering his mouth completely onto the shaft. There he bobbed up and down first slowly before sticking out his teeth to leave a tingling sensation upon Kevin's hardened dick. With each Bob he forced himself to go further. After what seems like 5 minutes Jeff deep-throated Kevin's cock. It felt the inside of Jeff tonsils making it hard for Jeff to hold back gagging sound. After a short moment Kevin moaned in sweet surrender.
Kevin pulled up Jeff and placed a hard kiss up on his waiting lips. Then, they rolled over closer to the fireplace. There, Kevin was on top. He leaned in a nibbled upon Jeff's warm earlobe. Then down his chiseled cheek kissing each inch of his face as he landed upon his neck. There Kevin began to suck Jeff's neck like a vampire needing blood. He stayed there for the moment enjoying the scent that was Jeff sweet Tangy salty and musty. It was the kind of scent that Kevin always knew Jeff with smell like. After the long moment, Kevin moved downward, coming across Jeff's chest there he kissed the nipple first the left, then the right. He moved downward towards Jeff's massive rod. He took the whole thing in one massive suck.
He deep-throated the cock as it throbbed down in his throat. He felt the heartbeat of his manhood. Jeff's dick tasted like sour lemons. At that moment it made Kevin want something lemony. He moved slowly off of Jeff's dick. Letting the dick rub against the top of his teeth. Jeff moaned soft and rugged. The feeling of sending pleasure to Jeff made Kevin happy. After a short moment Kevin moved from Jeff stick to his waiting asshole. There he readied his dick for the waiting hole. He slowly pushed up into the hole. With each push Jeff moaned loud and proud. Lust stripped from their fingertips. As they entered the den of the Dragon. After a moment of gentleness Kevin pushed hard into Jeff then begin to pound him with lustful pleasure. Their bodies clapped together in a cluster of flesh.
Kevin held on to Jeff's legs to balance himself. The motion of the ocean entered Jeff as he sang out in great pleasure. The moment of their dance with a moment that Jeff could never forget. After a moment of them catching their breath Jeff pushed Kevin backwards and entered the Dragon's Den. There he gently pushed in and out before riding the asshole rough and hard. With each deep thrust, Kevin moaned in breathless pleasure. Kevin's legs wrapped there selves around Jeff's torso. Kevin pushed hard up upon Jeff shaft. They tangled together for a long moment before Jeff fell upon Kevin. He led out a ragged breath. Their souls were now intertwined together. They both knew that they were meant for each other. Neither one had felt like this in years or maybe ever. Their song of lost love and broken hears led them to each other. They knew that their dance of nastiness was only the beginning of hot days together.
Kevin pulled up and placed a French kiss upon Jeff's dry lips. He parted his lips and placed his tongue in the din. There, they danced the dance a dance that would never end. They held each other in the flickering firelight for a long moment. Then Jeff whispered, "Want to shower with me." Jeff pulled up off of Kevin and then offered his hand. Kevin took it, and they showered together, making it around two.

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