A Lustful Moment.

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Tall he stood.
Tight, he held me.
Holding me again him.
Lust dripped from his body.

His eyes looked into mine.
Soft emerald green were they.
I saw a portal into the soul of him.
With every stare, I burned red hot.

His lips found a place upon mine.
Warm slippery and wet are they.
Tasting of sweet firy cinnamon.
The taste of him sets me ablaze.

He leaves my lips.
Trailing to my cheek.
Then, find his way to my neck.
His lips suck on me for a moment.

The time passes ticking on by.
We lust upon each other.
Our bodies lose layers.
Tell nothing stands in our way.

We do the dance of passion.
Tangoing ourselves in the night.
Lust drips from our bodies.
Like rain upon the forbidden.

Sparks fly from our fingertips.
Igniting the room to a glow.
We roll into each other.
Him and me.

We breathe in the moment.
Catching our breath in the coolness. Lust falls like ice from a roof.
We lay in each each other's arms.

Taking in the moment.
Watching it flee into a new day.
We made magic that night.
We did everything right.

He kissed me.
With lips of sweet wine.
His eyes burned into mine.
As we said, our long goodbyes.

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