Out In The Open...

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He stood there looking at me. The cowboy and the ranch hand. I knew Mr. Gray was a gay cowboy because he fucked my friend two summers ago. But he never came on to me not until today.
I was growing the the new Mustang that Mr Gray had just bought. He looked at me with one to you in his eyes. He stood there in his thin vest and tight Wrangler jeans and licked his lips. He made no attempt to move towards me. But he kept his eyes upon me. I didn't feel creeped out I felt privileged. Privileged that he would want to fuck me.
Mr. Gray tipped his hat my way as I took a fast glance his way. He moved from the gate and made his way towards me.
"Doing a nice job boy." he said in his rough ragged voice.
'Looks like you need a brake." He said as he took his hat off and was fanning himself.
"It's to hot out here for man or best." He added.
"I can find cooler work for you inside." He said before he motioned to the stable. The Stables were cool for the horses. I knew what he meant when he pointed that direction. I knew what he wanted to do. Because that was his MO at least that's what my friend said. And I knew I was going to be in for a lustful event.
We made out way from the training area to the barn. I had the horse as we entered I quickly place the horse in his stall. As I closed the style door there he was right behind me. Mr. Gray made his move fast by kissing me on the mouth. He patted my lips to tack my tongue into his. He sucked on it like it was a hard candy and my waiting penis. He let go to move his mouth to my left neck, his left hand pushed my neck firmly on his mouth. There he sucked on it like Kaneki from Grease the saying was, "a hickey from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card." I let him suck even harder this was my first hickey.
He pushed me hard upon the stall door pressing the iron bars into my back. "You like that boy." He said pulling away from my neck. His right hand found it's was to my croch. He rubbed upon it for a long moment then unbuttoned my cinch cowboy shirt. He pulled at the buttons until they were all unfastened. His mouth began licking my unhairy chest. His tongue was hot and wet upon my chest. I felt like a uncleaned man. I felt like a sinner and he was here to save me.
I pushed him up and we moved to the other side of the stables. I pushed him up onto a door. There I missed him hard on the lips before nibbling on his right ear lobe. I bite down and me cried out, "Bite down harder." I bite a little more but he cried out again "Harder I can take it." I did as he pleased and he moaned out in pleasure and pain. Lust was laced in his moans.
Mr.Gray pushed me up and turned to open the stable door. There he pulled me into the empty stall. He pushed my shirt off my shoulders and let it fall to the ground. I helped him take if his wrangler shirt. We stood in the stall shirtless and horney. He fell to his knees and unzipped my pants they fell down around my ankles along with my boxers. There he jerked at my penis getting to stand up. His hand was warm and ragged it only took a second to come to like. There his wet hot mouth took it in in one sucking motion. He stayed at my head for a time nibbling at the tip. What ever he was doing sent a warm shiver up my spine. After a moment he deep throated me. I could feel the dangley thing in his throat upon my man- hood. He suck in and out upon my cock as he played with my balls. After a time he pulled off my dick and unbuckled his pants and unzipped then he reached in and pulled out his big massive cock. I wanted how he was going to get that up my ass. But we would make it work.
He put my dick in his mouth and with his left hand began mastur- bating himself. His ass moved up and down I reach over and smacked it. "Yes my boy." Said Mr. Gray. The stopped got up and kissed me hard.
There I fell to the ground and pulled his pants down and placed his dick into my mouth. I sucked in and being using it as a stroll to suck out his cum.
"Yes boy eat it " he said loudly. I hoped no one could hear us. But I felt like he didn't care if they Cought us. He owned the place, his farm his rules. The cum tasted like Italian dressing. But the tang was a little bit more. He pulled me up and there he placed a condom on before he tapped my as with his hard cock. He was getting me hot that I just wanted his to place his sausage within me. After a couple more taps his manhood was slowly pushing up within me. The feel of pressure was almost more then I could take. I cried out loudly as he finally pushed his cock up my hole. He moved back and forth pushing up on me slow at first he was working his way up to regular speed. There are skin clapped with everytime we made contact.
I was leaning on a bell of hay. They hay poked in to my hand but I didn't care. "Am I hurting you?"He asked as he pulled me up to kiss me on the mouth. And with his right hand began pinching my nipple. With every pinch I began getting more harder. My right hand began mast- urbating bateing my penis. I pulled at it fast as he pounded hard and fast within me. He pounded one last time before pulling out and shouting his loud on my back. His juice was wet and warm as he landed upon my spin. I felt used but in a good way. He pushed my up and there we pulled up our pants and buttoned them. He pulled on his shirt before wipping my back off. He helped me button up my shirt. Then in a rugged voice told me to get back to work. I did just that.

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