One Night Forever (Poem)

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Steam rising up,
Your breath in my face,
Hotness radiates off your body,
Touch me in my forbidden place, Lust over me on this our one night.

Tell me no lies,
As you whisper my name,
Lust drips from our fingertips,
As we touch each other,
Soft and gently.

We strip to nothing,
Our clothes fall to the ground,
Bare skin now out in the open,
We kiss the kiss of lust,
You and I become one.

You slide down,
You take my manhood,
Your mouth is warm and wet,
Your fingers dig into my backside,
Your lust is upon my stiff manhood.

We dance,
The dance of passion,
As you deepthroat my soul,
I'm am yours and you are mine,
You come up for air and a firy kiss.

I retur the favor,
My mouth finds your manhood,
My lips wrap around your sword,
You slay the dragon within,
The dragon of lust.

Moments past,
Now we're tangled up,
In the bushes of rosie thorns,
We prick each other with pleasure,
As sweaty lust escapes our bodies.

You sing out my name,
Like an opera of eroticness,
I echo your name in pleasure,
We come as one,
You and I.

We hold each,
For a long moment,
As we take in the dance,
You leave me for a shower,
I follow you for found two.
The end...

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