Protection of Love

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He held me with both arms wrapped around my body,he was showing me self-defense. But I could not for the life of me keep my mind steady on the defense. I wanted to turn around in his arms and place a kiss upon his lips. But I pushed the thought from my mind and pushed myself from his arms. I moved away a short distance.
"What's wrong. " He asked.
"I can't do this." I said.
"Why not?" He said.
I didn't tell him why. I wanted to take him right there. Right at that moment. His sent kept me turned on. His body heat kept me warm. But he was trying to show me self-defense. We were on the run from a killer, and I was the only witness. And Officer Jameson with my protector. But at this moment, I wanted to take him and show him what I was made of. I wanted to rip his clothes off and see what he was hiding under his casual baggy clothes. I wanted to show him what was under my clothes. I wanted to show him what was under my skin.
"If we don't do it now, there won't be a next time." He said. "I want you to kick me in the balls, but not hard, elbow me and try to escape. " He added.
"Nick, I can't im afford I'll hurt you." I said in ashamed voice.
"You won't hurt me, I've tough a class on self-defense." He said.
"Yes, but you had protection," I tried to said but his lips touched mine.  When his tongue touched mine, I didn't hesitate to open my mouth and let it find its way into mine. I through everything I had into him. The taste of him was of Marlboro Reds and speriment. His addition to smoking was a turn-on for me. With each kiss from him, I felt brave. I felt stronger now that I knew he cared for me. His lips told me so.
He pulled away from my lips to place a kiss upon my neck. The warmth of his lips on my neck sent pleasured feelings through my body. His hands found their way under my shirt. He pulled the shirt of my body. There, my flabby chest was naked for him to see. The shirt hit the floor.  His lips moved down to kiss upon my chest. Each kiss sent shivers through my body. After a short moment, I pulled him up and began to unbutton his shirt. In between unbuttoning his shirt, I kissed his exposed body. With each kiss, I took him in. As I unbuttoned the last button, I moved back to his lips. There, I kissed him hard, and there I sucked the air out of him. The more we kissed the heated I got.
Jameson pulled away from my lips and fell to the ground. He pulled on my joggers and tugged them down. My underwear was pulled down as well. There, my rock-hard manhood brushed his face. His mouth took in my cock a little at a time. His mouth played with the head of my penis for a moment before taking the whole thing into his mouth. He moved up and down the shaft of my dick, coming almost close enough that I could feel his uvula in his mouth. He didn't completely deep throat me but my mind wished he would. He played upon me for a long moment letting passion throb from our bodies.
Jameson moved off of me after a moment and finally stood up from the floor. There, he placed his lips upon mine, and we found ourselves banging into the wall. I rolled over to pin him to the wall before falling to the floor. There, I clawed at his gym shorts and pulled them down, and found him not wearing unders. His dick was standing up at attention. My mouth took it in in one sucking motion. There, I sucked on it like it was a lollipop. After a second, I took the whole thing in all six inches of it. It was hard not to gag on the penis. But I surprised myself. I began to bob up and down upon his rod I could tell I had hit a cord of sexual pleasure within him. After a short moment, my name was upon his lips, "Luke." he moaned.
He pulled me up off the floor, and with his hand in mine, we found ourselves in the bedroom. There, he pushed he over onto the bed. He placed a rubber on before placing his dick into my asshole. Slow and easy, he entered into me. Slow short movements he made upon me. After a lifetime, he sped up our bodies clapped against each other. Time fled as lust dripped within me. I tried not to moan, but his name spilled from my lips. After Jameson gave me a good fucking we switched places.
I placed a condom upon my dick. Then the head of my manhood found his waiting asshole. I slid in slowly and evenly before pushing it all in. There, he moaned loudly as I began to push in and out slowly. After a short time, Jameson yelled for me to go faster. I moved slightly faster for a couple of seconds them picked up full speed. The heat we were making dripped from my body. Making the thrusting of our bodies sound louder with each clap. I pushed in deeper with each thrust. The feeling of lust spread throughout my body. I pulled him back up to me and turned his head right to mine. There, my tongue found his mouth, and I forced it in. I took him in both ways. After a time, I pulled out and fell to the floor, and my tongue found the hole between his ass cheeks. I began to eat his ass like I hadn't eaten in days. With each lick, I could tell he was enjoying it. I didn't know any man that didn't like there ass eaten. After a moment, I came up for air.
He gave me an eating of my life. He ate from the giving tree within me. With each lick, shivers of lust chilled my body. Shivers danced within me. He smacked my ass after he was done. Jameson stood up and asked in a smooth voice, "Wanna join me in the shower." I didn't deny I pushed up off the bed and followed him into the shower. This was just the beginning of our love affair.

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