Kisses in the Snow (Poem)

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We said,
Same place,
Next year.

As we,
Kissed each other,

Seconds past,
And yet,
I thought of you.

The way,
That weekend,
Burned me up.

We didn't,
Intend for this,
Lust got in the way.

You kissed me,
I kissed you,
Fire burned within.

We found ourselves,
Playing the game,
Of give and take.

We played in the snow,
Throwing snowballs,
Playfully at each other.

We fell upon the ground,
Covering ourselves,
Blanketed in white.

We rolled around,
Panting with lust,
You and me.

We stold,
In the snow.

Lust filled us,
For a moment.

We gave way.
To passion and lust,
In the snow.

The weekend,
Slipped away,
Running throw our heads.

We stold,
In the snow.

As we,
Our seprt ways.

But it was,
Only seconds,
Before I called.

Let's not,
Tell next year.

What are you,
New years.

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