Tall Drink Of Water

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Coffee in hand Max Scott walked out to the porch. There he sat down in an oversized rocking chair. He took a long drink of his black hot coffee. He let the warm liquid slide down his dry throat. He loved the way the liquid felt going down. He placed the cup on the table next to him. He then picked up the pack of cigarettes from the table. He placed one in his mouth then from his pocket fished out the lighter. He lite the cigarette and took in a long drag. The smoke filled his throat before he blow it out from his nostrils.
"You think that makes you look hot cowboy." Said a voice from behind him. He turned to see Abby Gray standing in the doorway.
"I do." He replied.
"Yeah, it kinda does." She added before taking the other rocker next to him.
"That dinner was out of this world." He complained her. "What's for dessert?" He asked in a heavy husky voice.
"Me." She said unbuttoned her tight shirt. "Boy is it hot out here, or is it just me." She said before licking her lips.
Max put out his cigarette and motion for her to join him in the rocker. There she sat upon his lap, and his lips found her perky breath. He took a nipple within his mouth and began to suck on the right one. His manhood was throbbing beneath her. He played with her for a short moment.
He left her nipple to gave her a rough hard kiss. She took him in like he with the air that she breathed. There tongues played the dance of lust. She drank in Max's rugged passion. She left his lips and whispered into his ear, "We can't do this out here."
"I don't see anyone watching." He replied in a lusty voice. He lips made there way to the left nipple and drank from her sweet nectar. He pulled them both up from the rocker and then placed her back down on it. He got on his knees and unzipped her pants and pushed away her panties. There his tongue found her waiting womanhood. Then his lips touched the lips of Abby's warm pussy. He began licking the lips like he was licking an ice cream cone. He licked from her sweet sundae.
"Mmmm," she moaned as she pushed his head into her. She rapped her legs around his neck and began fucking his face. She pushed up into his face almost cutting him off of air.
Max's hands rubbed up on to her clit. With every strock she moaned. He had her right were he wanted her. He loved the dinner but desert was the icing on the cake. She juiced upon his face and he pulled her away. He got up and she unbuttoned his pants and they fell down and his manhood hung in front of her. He didn't wait he placed his penis with in her pussy. He moved back and forth slowly for a long moment, then he picked up speed. His dick felt good within her soft wet walls. He felt her pulse wrap around his hard rod. They began dancing the dance of lust. Going beyond the brink of passion.
"Faster, faster." Abby cried out a little louder then she thought to.
He banged her rough, deep and hard. His pecker sent a shiver up his rod all the way up his spine. This was his favorite feeling in sex. He moved in and out of the walls of the warm pussy. Every push and pull made him hot with a lusting fire. Max wanted more he wanted her for life, not just a good dinner and a fuck. He he led her to ecstasy more times than he could count. She was impure heaven with each thrust of his dick. Abby loved being fucked especially by her Ranch Hand. She wanted more than this she wanted him for life.
After a long moment he lifted her up and they made their way into the living room where they fell onto the couch. There he pounded into her as he kissed her and begin sucking her breast. With each suck she began to fall into passionate lust. He took her in like a fine wine. He sipped her with pleasure. The lend up and thrusted into her hard and ruff. He then pulled out and began masturbating as his juice flung out of the head of his penis. His juice leaks out onto her and Abby began to play in the warmth of him. She loved when a man came Upon her. She moved up and took his dick within her mouth and began to drink of his loving cup. She danced in the river of lust. Her teeth nibbled at his manhood. Her hands wrapped around his dick making it feel like she was deep throating him. She finally eased off as more hot cum squirted upon her. With her fingers she wiped the cum off and lick them from her fingers. They fell beside each other and lade there kissing and enjoying each other. Lust was what brought them together but love kept them as one. Ofter a moment Abby got up and walked to the kitchen to finish up the dinner dishes.
"You need help." Max asked from the kitchen door. He stood there naked with his manhood dangling in the cool air.
"No I got it you get you a piece of that cake." She said before adding "You going to need all the strength you can get, cuz after this we're going for round two." He liked the way she thought.
Max cut a piece of the cake for the both of them. He began eating his after a moment he got up out of the chair and got a glass for milk. After he was about done Abby came over and sat on his lap there she licked the chocolate frosting off his mouth. She placed her tongue into his mouth and the fun begin again.

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