Crushing Life...

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I moved to the house, and I was afraid of the crowd in the living room. I searched the rooms no one within any. The last one on the right there he was. James Hunter, the one who had invited me, but it disappeared. The one who had left me in the crowd.
I found him in a study with a photo album in his hand. He moved through a couple of pages before tossing the album onto a chair. He moved away from the desk. He moved to me. His hands found my face, and he drew me in for a moment. Then he kissed me. It was unexpected. A second later, he moved away from me and shut the door.
"There's so many people here they won't even know what we've done." He said before kissing me.
I let him have his way. He turned me around and grinned on my ass. Then, he placed his hand into my black dress pants. Then his cool hand found my worm manhood. He rubbed his hand upon it as my man head roared to attention. His hands wrapped around my dick. After a moment, he began to masturbate it. The jerking and the pulling upon my dick with bringing my body to life. James knew what he was doing he knew how to seduce a man.
After a short moment, he swung me around. He fell to his knees. He unbuttoned my pants. He slid them down, and then he worked his way back to my underwear he did the same. My clothes were on my shoes. His mouth moved upon the hand of my cock. He slowly took it in letting his teeth gently tickle upon my dick. He slowly urged it in to deep throat me. His throat wrapped around my cock as it pulsating down his throat. He held it there for a long moment he had great gag reflexes. Then 5 minutes later he was pulling it out and had a short second later he nibbled upon the dick Softly but enough that I could feel his teeth. He went back on, and he bobbed up and down upon my manhood. The feeling of James sent a feeling of lust throughout my body.
After a moment he moved off my cock and led me to the couch. There, he leaned me over. He quickly unbuttoned his pants, and a short moment later, he was pushing up within me. Sending shock waves of lust through my body. Our skin kissed with clapping sounds of passion. 
He banged against me like he was trying to make was one. It was hard to control myself. He was making it hard to keep quiet. He thrusted every inch of his cock within me. I knew when we were done I would be walking crooked. But at this moment, I wanted it, I need it, I craved it. Every inch of his 9 inches. He moved faster within me. In and out slapping my ass a couple of times. His hand warm upon my ass. James knew how to handle the sex game.
After a moment, he pulled out. I pushed him back upon the desk and turned him around, and without thinking began banging him. My dick rammed into him and with wild passion I gave him a hard fucking. My dick felt good in his warm asshole. I forced myself not to scream with pleasure. We fell into a dance of the God's. A lustful tango. My dick sang within him I pulled out and my cum lightly dripped upon his ass. I looked around for something to wipe it off. But James began to pull up his pants, "i can't find anything to wipe you off with." I say. "Leave it, my souvenir tell next time." He said. We both pulled up our underwear and pants and rejected the crowd in the living room.
I was happy, I was feeled up with joy. My crush knew I existed and wanted me. Life was good. Life was great. Life was lustful at the moment.

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