First Time

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I remember my first time. The day was sunny and warm. We had taken a walk me and my best friend Jason. I moved at a brisk pace. The air was not cool but not hot. After a short moment, Jason wrapped his hand within mine. "I can't believe we're a couple." Jason said in a soft, airy voice. He leaned close and then kissed me on the left cheek. His kiss meant more than kindness.
We turned back around to head home. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked in a gravelly voice. "You." Jason said in a hot, steamy voice. His one word had me doing the one finger salute. I knew where this was leading. I wanted to walk faster, my thoughts, his action. We picked up speed. What was a long walk was shortened to a mere moments walk.
We took the stairs two by two. I fumbled for my keys and pulled them from my jean pocket. They fell from my shaky hand onto the wooden porch. I leand over and retrieve them. I placed the key into the door and turned it to unlock the latch upon the door. My right hand turned the door as I pushed it open. We entered the house like to getty  teenager. Jason slammed the door shut behind us. There, he spun me around and placed his wet warm lips upon mine. The touch of him sint shivers down my spine. He began to unfathan my overalls. I moved away shortly. I was scared I had never been this far.
"Is this your first time?" He asked in his soft, caring voice. "Let's take it slow. " He added.
His voice soothed the knots within my stomach. His mouth returned to my lips. He moved from my stuff, burning lips to trail down my cheek to my neck. There, he began to suck on my neck like a waiting leech. He was taking me in like I was a fine wine. Then he moved back up to my lips, and his tongue entered within my mouth. Together, we began to french kiss. He bit gently down on my lower lip. The sensation sent lustful pleasure ragging through my body. He turned me around and pushed me up against the closed front door. There, he unfathaned the other side of my overalls. My overalls sled down my body fast and heavy. The metal latches clicked on the hard wood floor. After pushing me against the door, he moved away from my lips and fell to his knees. There he pulled my tightly whiteys down and met my one finger salute. It waved in his face. After looking at it for a brief time, he moved upon it.
Placeing my dick into his warm wet mouth. His right hand he placed at the base of my penis. There he made the motion of deep throating my dick. He sucked in on my dick then pulled it out partially to the tip. Then he inhaled my manhood over and over sending shivers throughout my body. He was tasting me from the ground up.
With his other hand he pushed together upon my balls. A weird sensation shot through my body, one that made the sucking upon my dick even more worth it. A feeling that I could not describe it I wanted. 
I pulled Jason off his knees. I moved him up to my lips and stuffed my tongue down his waiting throat. We kissed for a long wet moment. Taking in each other I was pressed upon the front door. I pushed Jason backwards and there he fell upon a swiveling chair. There I fell to my knee and fumbled to unbuckle his pants. There I unbuttoned and zipped his pants down. I helped him shimmy the jeans and underwear to his feet. They're awaited a rock hard penis. I gently leaned down and took the tip of the head into my mouth. I placed my tongue around the shaft and began to kiss it. I could feel that a great sensation was upon Jason.  Moans of pleasure exited his mouth.
After a short time I finally took his whole dick into my mouth. I was surprised that I did not choke upon my first taking. I slowly moved the shaft down into my throat. I was going to do what most men did and deepthroat. After a short while I took it in deeper and held it for a short moment. I gagged and felt embarrassed. But I could tell that I was sending pleasure to Jason. He moved me off of his dick and placed a wet hard kiss upon my lips.
"You want to go further?" He asked. His eyes gazed down at me with sexual desire within them. How could I say no.
He pulled me up and bent me on to the chair. He wrapped his dick before placing it into my tight Virgin asshole. He slowly entered into me. I moaned with each push. After a moment he was in me. The feeling of pressure and pleasure felled my body. This was a feeling I'd never felt before. One that had me by the balls.
Lust was raging throughout my body. Jason slowly began to pull a little within me. The motion sent shivers throughout my body. He began to pick up speed tell my ass and his genitals made a loud clapping sound. The thrusting upon my ass was Pure Pleasure Within Me. After a long moment he pulled out and we reversed each other
I being a little scared fumbled when putting the rubber upon my penis. After a short moment Jason pushed it upon me. I fumbled again when trying to place my manhood into his waiting asshole. I entered him taking small steps. I pushed in slowly and evenly. I moved in like a pussycat prowling on a mouse. After a short moment we began to move like the waves of an ocean. He screamed in pleasure and said "faster." I pushed up into him rough and hard. And apologize for the roughness but Jason yelled, "Harder." He was enjoying the way I was fucking him. I pulled him back by his neck and placed a long wet kiss upon his lips. The movement of our body's sang out in lust. We dripped sex. Our body's drench in wet hot sweat. I felt an eruption in the condom but keep hitting the warm hole. A song of pleasure excepted our mouths. I lend on his back and gave him a strong huge.  Words except my mouth, "Thank you, what a great fuckig ride." I said breathless. For a moment we didn't move.
After that we moved Jason pulled up his underwear and pants and sat in the chair whipping the sweat off his face.
I pulled up my overalls and place the latch on the right side. I moved to the refrigerator and opened it. "Want a water." I asked looking back at him. "Shore." he added. "You were tasty babe." Said Jason as he took the water from my hands.

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