Cowboy Dreams

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There he was in front of me. All six  foot nine of him, he stood towering over me like the Empire State Building. In tight black denim jeans with a striped vintage cowboy shirt buttoned up all but two buttons. The look of him was like sex and candy. I wish he was knocking on my door.
The perspiration on his forehead made me shiver as he sat beside me. "Good day, mate," he said in his Australian accent. He voice dripped of pleasure and ecstasy. He tipped his head to say hi or howdy partner. He was very western with his gentlemn attitude. He had boots on that were dule gray with a black mat finish at the top and toes. He looked like a man who had swagger. He slumped in the seat to the right of me.
His shirt clinged to him marking his six-pack abs. He brushed up against me in the crowded waiting room and sent tingles through my body. I could smell his cologne. It was of sandalwood and cinnamon mixed with unnotable sents. Whatever he was wearing was playing with my lustful mind. I wanted him to take me right then and there.
He bumped my arm and apologized in a low, rugged voice. His words had me in a trance. I was already daydreaming of a passionate night with him.
We are together on a blanket on the floor. Me in his arm held tight as he placed his rough, ragged lips upon mind. He moistened my dry lips with his. The way he kissed me was electric. Sparks danced with in us. Heat built up with in my soul and was unleashed with every kiss. He moved me with passionate kisses. A moment passed before he began sucking on my bottom lip. He leaned down further, and his black cowboy hat slipped off and landed on to the blanket next to me.
He didn't stop. His lips were warm and ruff. I could feel his heart pounding upon my back. He was as nurses as I. His hands bigger than mine made me wonder what was hidden under his jeans.
Lust dripped from his lips. Him sucking on my lip began to set my insides on fire. What I thought was burnt out was beginning to catch fire. Before I could say a word, his hands were under my shirt. He was pulling on it upward in a few seconds it was off and at my feet. He leaned back and pulled me upon him. His manhood was pushing against the jeans. I wanted to pull them off his muscular body. But he pulled my head down and took in another ruff kiss.
I moved from his lips and began to kiss and suck on his neck. I could taste him with each suck. He tastes of sweat and musk. I moved down ward, leaving a trail of kisses as I made my way to the top of his jeans. There, with shaking hand, I unbuttoned them the sould of his zipped seemed loud. I pulled the jeans down, his manhood pushed hard upon his tighty whities. My mouth began to droll. 
I placed my hands on his wast band and pulled his manhood free. I placed my lips on the tip of his rock-hard dick. I nibbled the tip like a danity mouse. I nibbled for a long moment, taking in the taste of him. Before, I slowly took in half of his penis. My hands are on the other half. I bob up and down like I'm dropping it like it's hot. After a time, I took his beefy dick fully into my mouth. I stayed there as long as he held me down with his hands. I gagged a couple of times before he let me up. There I sucked in a long ragged breath.
"Dame bro that felt fucking good." He said in his cowboy twang.
I moved up and began kissing his chiseled chest. There I kissed each pack of his six pack. Before he pulled me up and rolled me over and leaned down and kissed me.
His lips were now beginning to soften. He took my bottom lip and began to nibble. Each nibble sent a shiver through my body. Shivers that erupted in my lower region. I got even harder. He nibble a moment longer tell moving to my neck. There he began sucking on my neck like a hungry vampire. Passion escaped me like lightning dancing upon the night sky. He lifted off of my neck and began kissing downward. He lift a trail as he made his was to my chest and abs of at lest the ones I thank I have. He gose a little farther and stops on my belly button and his tongue tickles sending electric shocks throughout my body. He knew how to give a good time. His big hands find both of my wast bands he pulls them down to find my average side manhood saluting him. His teeth lightly graze on it. Tingles sat my dick on fire. He after a moment deep-throats me I feel that dangly thing at the back of his throat. He stayed upon it for a long moment without gagging. He moved up off my penis to place a condom on his hood. There he leans down to wet my asshole before he places his massive dick into me. He slowly pushes up in to me. Each push pleasure surges through my body. A feeling I've never known.
After a short moment, he begins to fully push up into me. Slowly riding me at first, then he picks up speed. Our flesh pound against each other, clapping to an imagery beat. That only we could hear. He moved me with each pound. He deeped hard upon my hole. Every thrust I moaned loud, he quited me but I couldn't be quite his meat stick was doing things to I only thought about. He came in the condom that was in me. His dick pulsated against my anal asshole. As the motion swept over me a voice above me that wasn't his awoke me from my fantasy.
"Mr. Steel, the doctor is ready for you." Said the nurse in a Cheery voice. I followed her and left the hot cowboy setting in the waiting room. To a cold examining room this made me down. But in my mind I knew I would have that weird fantasy that daydream of the cowboy.

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