The Lumberjack Pack

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Pac Robinson buttoned up his red and black plaid shirt. He stood in front of the full body mirror. He like the way he looked in plaid. He always got then a size to tight. He liked the way it hugged his muscled body. Pac was the kind of man that did his own thing more times then not.
He placed his right hand on his bulging package. He adjusted his balls and penis within his underwear and pants. He had a thing for touching himself. He loved hot hands on his long thick man- hood. After he adjusted his junk he took one last look in the mirror and thought he was missing something. He stopped it in the mirror just behind him. Pac looked back to see his reversible Banana Republic vest behind him. He moved to the bed and picked the vest up. There he reversed it from the black side to the muted red side. They're from the bed side table he grabbed his car keys exited the room and headed up the hallway. There he took another glimpse of himself in the wall mirror. "I look damn hot" he said to himself. Then turned and placed his hand upon the door knob he turned and pulled the door. His hand found the lock and then he pulled the door shut behind him.
Pac Robinson stepped off the porch and made his way to his waiting Dodge Charger. There he placed his key into the door and unlocked it. He took one look at the lime green custom paint job he had a friend do. "Sweet." He said to himself before getting in. He placed his seat belt around his wast then placed the keys in the ignition and the car came to life. Like the wolf within him.
He placed the car in revers and pulled out of the driveway. There he placed it in drive and drove away like a man on a mission.
In ten minutes he was at a house of his buddy. He pulled up to the carb and put the car in park. The took the keys out of the ignition. Opened up his door and pulled himself up and out. He took that short walk to the front door. There he didn't knock Pac just entered the home like he owned it. He moved from the front door to the living room where he found Johnny Sin setting with his pants down and his hand on his big pumped dick.
"Why do you never knock?" Johnny questioned Pac. He asked everytime but knew were the question would lead. He never took him hand of his manhood.
"So I could catch you in the act." Pac replied. He then added as he fell to his knees, "Want me to take care of that for you?" There he took Johnny's dick in his hand and began massaging the warm dick. After a moment his mouth found the pulsating penis. The cock tastes good in his wet mouth. With every up and down his lips wrap their life around the manhood. His teeth gently nibbled at the head of the cock. Johnny moan with every emotion Pac made. The warmth of Pac's mouth made Johnny's dick pulsate even more. Up and down went Pac on the shaft of the rod. He could feel the penis getting ready to explode in his waiting mouth. His teeth bit down a little harder on the top of the penis. Up and down he sucked on the rod of Johnny's cock. With each motion he said Shivers up Johnny's spine.
Johnny took hold of Pac's head and helped him deep throat his juicy cock. For a couple of minutes he held him there. In those minutes Johnny exploded into Pac's mouth. Pac had no choice but to swallow the warm salty juice. There Pac got off the floor and pulled Johnny up to meet him. There they kissed with wild tongues.
Johnny lifted his hands up so that pac could remove his work shirt. An Orange safety shirt with a silver band around the middle of the shirt. His hard hat was still on but with the pulling of the shirt it fell to the couch. There Pac's mouth found the neck of Johnny's. His lips kissed and suck on the skin. His nostrils took in the sweet sent of his man. The one who did things in him that no one could ever do.
From the neck Pac moved down to lick upon a six pack abs. He found a nipple and sucked and mack the right nipple hard. He did the same to the left as well.
Johnny moved Pac up and started unbuttoned his plaid shirt. There under his shirt waited a well kept chest. There he fell to his knees and unbuckled Pac's belt. There he ripped open his pants and down they went along with the white underwear. In Johnny's face was a monster cock ready for a good licking. He took the dick in his watering mouth. The thick penis was like eating a bratwurst. He slowly took it in letting his teeth touch the hard rod. Johnny looked up as Pac laughed rough. He looked up just as he took in the whole head. He loved getting deep throated and giving deep throat. Up, down, up, down soft and warm. Pulsating with in the mouth of a hungry lust. After ten minutes of the dick dinner Pac picked up Johnny before exploding within his hand.
Pac knew his didn't like the taste of cum. There he looked at his hand and brought the hand to his mouth. He took it in in one sucking skerp. He thought to himself that good cum shouldn't go to waste.
He pulled his man up turn him around and bit him over so his hands found the couch. There his waiting cock found the ass of a willing man. His dick entered the hole flow and gentle. His body moved back and forth. His dick since shivers up Johnny's spine. The motioned with more than Johnny could bear. The monster cock moved in and out. The sound of skin hitting skin rang out as there body's meet. The sound of ecstasy rang as Johnny mound in pleasure. The thrusting of their bodies sent out heat wave on the room. The tightness of his as made Pac's dick tingle. Moment went by and the thrusting picked up speed. There bodies became one with the motion. As Pac came again he turned control over to Johnny.
Johnny turned around and picked up Pac and held him for a moment before falling onto the couch. There his dick found Pac's waiting ass hole. He pushed up into him like a knife into a box. Pac moved up and down on the hard manhood. He ride Johnny like a cars gear shift.
Up down and all around. "Faster." Johnny cried out "Faster."
The movement sent pain and pleasure up Johnny's dick. The pain was the key to a good fuck. Johnny and Pac moved as one. Pac lend down and kissed Johnny just as Johnny busted a nut into Pac. As the lust slowly faded they sat on the couch in each other's arms for a moment.
"Where do you want to go for dinner. " asked Pac before getting up for a stiff drink.
(The End)

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